Stop watching this show

Seriously, this show is trash. It's even worse than the regular Walking Dead.

It's slow, it's boring, the characters are a-holes and stupid. There is nothing good about this show at all.

It is NOTHING like AMC promised it would be. They lied in order to get people to watch the show. AMC are liars.

Stop watching this, then it will go away.


No. I like this show. Plus, a ton of other people do to, so this show will probably be here to stay for awhile. :)




If you don't like it don't watch it don't come here to say you don't like it unless you need the attention. I dislike a few shows I don't watch them or go to their boards. But then I do have a life.



Csm you can't make my life miserable. I don't give anyone that power. You have to give a person the power over you to do that. Believe me you can't being raised by two alcoholic abusing losers been thru it all. Some little troll who so desperately seeks attention like this is pathetic in my view and I pity you that you're that desperate. Seek therapy to help you with your mental health issues.


Wtf is wrong with you ? Do you really think we will stop watching the show because YOU don't like it ?
You're just an unmoved viewer, who does not understand a thing about characters's arc.
Just go away !


I am going to make you all stop watching it.

I am going to, just you watch.


You're just a grumpy cat, obviously, so go find a ball of wool, and get lost



Oh and I know how a character arc works.

You want to see GOOD character arcs, go watch Night of the Living Dead either the 1968 film or the 1990 remake.
Go watch Dawn of the Dead the 1978 one or the remake.

That is how you do zombie films.

Go watch Day of the Dead the original 1985 movie.

That is how you do zombie shows.
Not this slop.


Not thanks, it's probably made of more gore and too zombies killing actions oriented, I'm more interested about what living in apocalypse does to people.
The infected are slow and not a real threat so there are just the background. The real struggle will always be with the living


Not thanks, it's probably made of more gore and too zombies killing actions oriented, I'm more interested about what living in apocalypse does to people.
The infected are slow and not a real threat so there are just the background. The real struggle will always be with the living

Well then, you obviously haven't seen Romero's zombie films, which Night of the Living Dead both the original and the 1990's remake are (Tom Savini directed the Night remake but it was written by Romero and he had a hand in the production).

Dawn of the Dead 1978, over half the movie is dialogue and not zombie killing.
Same with the original Day of the Dead from 1985, Day of the Dead had even less zombies than Dawn of the Dead.

You want to see how people act in those situations, then watch the Romero zombie films or at least his original 3 films. That is how zombie media should be handled.

There is more character development in 10 minutes of each of those movies than there is in a entire season of EITHER Walking Dead show.


There is more character development in 10 minutes of each of those movies than there is in a entire season of EITHER Walking Dead show.

But, what if we consider sudden personality shifts to suit the plot as "character development."

Then there would be a sh!t ton of character development in both shows, no?


There is more character development in 10 minutes of each of those movies than there is in a entire season of EITHER Walking Dead show.

The first three seasons of The Walking Dead had great character development.

That no longer exists, but it once dead.

But, what if we consider sudden personality shifts to suit the plot as "character development."

Then there would be a sh!t ton of character development in both shows, no?

Shifting the character to suit the plot is absolutely NOT proper development; it's what any good writer is taught NOT to do.

Characterization should drive plot not be adapted to suit the plot. Characters should have integrity and make action and behavioral choices in line with their core traits and values, that should be hinted at the beginning, unraveled and challenged throughout their journey. Yes, they can change and evolve, but it should be in keeping somehow with their core personality not coming out of nowhere due to a plot point.


Shifting the character to suit the plot is absolutely NOT proper development; it's what any good writer is taught NOT to do.

Characterization should drive plot not be adapted to suit the plot. Characters should have integrity and make action and behavioral choices in line with their core traits and values, that should be hinted at the beginning, unraveled and challenged throughout their journey. Yes, they can change and evolve, but it should be in keeping somehow with their core personality not coming out of nowhere due to a plot point.

I approve this message.


These movies are way too old, not sure I'ld buy anything of it. And FTWD has a more modern take on zombies, a more contemporary perspective so I will stick with this. And a closer insight of struggles that "normal" people can have. It's not only about how people act, but their state of mind.


These movies are way too old, not sure I'ld buy anything of it. And FTWD has a more modern take on zombies, a more contemporary perspective so I will stick with this. And a closer insight of struggles that "normal" people can have. It's not only about how people act, but their state of mind.

That is the problem with your generation.
Oh the movies are too old so they must not be any good.

It's hogwash.

Hell Night and Dawn are BOTH far older than I am. I was born in 1981, original Night was 1968 that is 13 years older than me and I didn't even see it until 1998 so that makes it 3 decades old by that point, yet I still loved it and still love it even today.
Dawn was 1978 which is 3 years older than me and yet I love it and didn't see it until 1999.

It's stupid to dismiss a movie because it's old.
It's like saying the themes in the original Star Wars are not relevant because the movie is close to 40 years old so thus it must be a bad film.


I'm not saying it's not good, it probably was great at that period, but it won't work now : the zombies won't be really realist enough...

But you were so amazed to watch this particular old movie when you were younger, than ANYTHING new released nowadays which has another take on zombies, won't be any good FOR YOU.


Not thanks, it's probably made of more gore and too zombies killing actions oriented, I'm more interested about what living in apocalypse does to people.
The infected are slow and not a real threat so there are just the background. The real struggle will always be with the living

It's truly sad that such stupid and uninformed people watch this show. SMH.
Educate yourself about George A. Romero, who is a thought-provoking filmmaker who brought substance to the zombie genre.


Oh and I know how a character arc works.

You want to see GOOD character arcs, go watch Night of the Living Dead either the 1968 film or the 1990 remake.
Go watch Dawn of the Dead the 1978 one or the remake.

That is how you do zombie films.

Go watch Day of the Dead the original 1985 movie.

That is how you do zombie shows.
Not this slop.

You've destroyed your argument by directing anyone to the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead. It's terrible. The changes made to the characters show the writers didn't understand what George Romero was doing with HIS character development and spectrum. They destroyed key elements to the classic movie; his characters represented very specific things which the updated changes erased or nullified. Very terrible remake.

But yes, FTWD is complete trash.


You've destroyed your argument by directing anyone to the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead. It's terrible. The changes made to the characters show the writers didn't understand what George Romero was doing with HIS character development and spectrum. They destroyed key elements to the classic movie; his characters represented very specific things which the updated changes erased or nullified. Very terrible remake.

But yes, FTWD is complete trash.

1) I disagree completely. Sure it's not as good as the original, but it wasn't bad.

2) Romero himself wrote the screenplay for the 1990 remake.



2) Romero himself wrote the screenplay for the 1990 remake.

Thanks for the correction. Your post prompted me to search for articles on why Romero would participate in this bastardized remake, and I see they purposefully abandoned the heavy thematic elements in the first to make it more entertaining ,due to it being a different social climate. Gutting the themes embodied by the original characters destroys and waters down the movie in my opinion. It also wasn't suspenseful or interesting to me. The acting was terrible.

One day, I forced myself to watch it immediately after viewing the original and I could barely make it through. I would argue with Romero himself about the quality of that remake. I don't like it at all.


These movies are way too old, not sure I'ld buy anything of it. And FTWD has a more modern take on zombies, a more contemporary perspective so I will stick with this. And a closer insight of struggles that "normal" people can have. It's not only about how people act, but their state of mind.

Classic movies like Night of the Living Dead and even something like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, all had psychological exploration as the anchor of their movies.

If you want to reject the classic movies that established the genre in favor of something as low quality as FTWD, at least have valid reasons.


This whole board is the definition of why people on IMDB message boards have a bad name.


Go watch Day of the Dead the original 1985 movie.
Fkn Day sucked. Fkn Bub ruined it for me.

I will agree with you that the characters on this show are borderline moronic sans the gay black dude. Fk, look at that, I already forgot his name and if AMC hadn't sent me a txt it was premiering tonight I wouldn't have bothered checking my DVR for it. 

My Vote history:


You want to see GOOD character arcs, go watch Night of the Living Dead either the 1968 film or the 1990 remake.
Go watch Dawn of the Dead the 1978 one or the remake.

That is how you do zombie films.
Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead  Are not movies!


No. I like the show!! And just because you don't doesn't mean you should be telling other people not to watch it.


This rant is funny, thanks OP.

If the show is so bad? Don't watch it, it's really that simple.

The fact that it's better than the original TWD is hilarious...


OK, I get it. You don't like it. But why should everyone else do what you say?



I was literally about to write the exact same thing!


Are we finished already?



Yeah... but in the event of apocalypse, it's the a-holes who'll most likely survive because they act in their own self-interest.
