So Where’s Kong?

After a couple of years reading just how we were getting a stinger in “GKOTM” to tie it to “Godzilla vs. Kong” in 2020, we got absolutely nothing of the kind.
Yeah there was a stinger alright but Legendary pulled a fast one on us.

No Kong, no Skull Island no nothing, except a severed Ghidora head. Big whoopdee doo! That in itself does nothing to tie it in to Kong so who are they kidding? So much for constantly hearing that crap for them to turn around & do zilch. Good job in fucking all of us over boys!

Oh btw another gripe I have were all the rumors that supposedly “confirmed” how a cast member from “Kong, Skull Island” was going to make an appearance in this which never happened, at least to the best of my knowledge anyway.

In addition I guess we can also put away the rumors that Charles Dance’s character was speculated to be Captain James Conrad from “KSI” who was portrayed by Tom Hiddleston but as it turns out he’s just a eco terrorist named Jonah Alan. Oh well!


Skull Island was mentioned several times, as was Kong. We saw glimpses of Kong as well, such as when all the titans bowed to Godzilla at the end. Kong was on the left side. There were multiple easter eggs.


He was? So you're saying that in the end scene with the monsters bowing before Godzilla, Kong was there to the left? Unless you're joking, that I didn't see. But yes I did catch the only glimpse of Kong in this movie where he was shown on a surveillance monitor.


Nah, serious man. I almost felt like they were dealing with some sort of copyright issue, because they kept glimpses of him pretty minimal, but he was there.



Skull Island was mentioned several times. There's a perfectly logical reason why he didn't come. In real life, Gorillas can't swim. Their bodies are not built for it. Now imagine how much more a hindrance it would be if he weighed a hundred times his normal weight. Think Food of the Gods.
