Kinda like...

... The Terminator, but without a killer cyborg.

Great film, fast paced action thriller, a few fun scenes and cracking dialogue... but it felt very familiar - several things seemed to be lifted directly from The Terminator: Man and woman on the run from killer/s
Holing up at a motel
The silent tattooed hitman..

This is by no way a complaint, just an observation on a thoroughly enjoyable flick - go see it!!


It's a great "constant on the run" action thriller that was more common back in the 80s and 90s, so it's a throwback in a way, much like Get the Gringo was. Aside from Mel's awesome performance and the great father/daughter chemistry, I think what stood out was just how well this film blended so many different genres together. Like you said, it was a fast-paced action thriller, but it was also an effective and moving drama with strong themes of redemption and regret, and there was even some great humor.


Cheers! Now that you mention the throw-backs, I'd put Midnight Run in there as well...


yes I caught the T1 similarities - also many of Mels movies - Mad Maxs, LWs etc

also felt/looked abit like Logan (which itself paid homage to Mad Max RoadWarrior/Thunderdome)
