MovieChat Forums > Emerald City (2017) Discussion > PC culture is going to far.

PC culture is going to far.

When Gods of Men came out, everyone cried out, why are you casting white people as Egyptian Gods and ripped them big time for it. Yet they keep replacing white characters with non white Characters and we are told to accept it as diversity. They can shove their hypocritical diversity and PC culture where the sun doesn't shine.


I don't see the problem with the casting of Dorothy. Emerald City obviously isn't a true to the books adaptation or I'd agree that it was pretty unlikely that "Dorothy" would look like she does in the show.

OTH, I also don't see the problem with "Gods of Egypt". It's a film that's aimed at Western audiences, made by Hollywood, and as such is going to star western actors. Pretty sure that if Bollywood made a film about Norse Mythology they'd use their own stars.

All that said, I find it odd that anyone who has a bit of a tan gets designated a "person of colour" in the US. Here in the UK I that crossed many people's minds about Dorothy. I suspect most people's first thought was "she's pretty".

No tears please, it's a waste of good suffering.


Hollywood constantly dark-washes white culture and history while simultaneously *beep* on white culture and white people
These are the people who want "diversity" yet don't have any good "diverse" writers so they must steal white material


It's not just Hollywood.
The past few years in Marvel comics they made all main characters minorities now.
Captain America is now black, the Hulk is now a Asian boy, there is now a black/Hispanic Spider-Man, Iron Man is now a teenage black girl, Ghost Rider is now a Mexican and Thor is now a woman. There is even now an Asian Superman.
That's only a small part of the changes all big comic companies have been doing to diversify.
Yet in no version has any minority's ever been turned white


This isn't 1939, get the frig over it.


Minor character didn't bother me a bit. Dr. Frankenfurter portrayed by a black women, didn't last five minutes on my TV.

Thats a clown question , BRO.......

