MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > 100 Things I learned from, THE VISIT

100 Things I learned from, THE VISIT

I was surprised not to see one of these for this movie. I am sure most of you know how this works already.

1. Sh*t don't taste like chicken.
2. It takes 10 years to become a Yahtzee master.
3. Nana puts out her cigarettes in the same tea that she is drinking.
4. Teenagers today know who Sarah McLachlan is (this shocked me)
5. Nana is a little obsessive about cleaning the oven.
6. Don't look at PopPop the wrong way or he will beat you up.
7. Evidently Hairy chest contests are rather popular on cruises
8. A PC can now run Final Cut Pro. (Using a Sony Vaio Sony Vegas Pro would have looked a tad more believable)

Feel free to add some more


too funny!


69. leave your brother with a crazy person and go explore the basement IN THE LAST 5 MIN instead of the first 30 min of the movie



71. Kids can own thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment even though their Mom works at Wal-Mart.
I questioned the fancy cameras. Then I saw the nice tripods they also had. WTH!


74 - Don't wash off the poo smeared in your face: save it for your mother, who might want to hug and kiss you.

6,5/10. Some hair-raising scary moments. Well-acted and directed.


75 If you're an insane escapee from a mental institution, the best place to hide is at the house of the couple you just murdered. 'Cuz, you know, when a couple that works there just disappears, there's no chance the cops would think to investigate it.


76 Now that Yahtzee is published by Hasbro, Milton Bradley approved strategies cannot possibly still exist.

77 Yahtzee is best played in teams.


78 Hide-and-seek is fun for all ages! (Also, too, it will ruin your clothes, leaving your behind exposed for all to see.)
79 The mentally ill are extremely competitive when it comes to board games.
80 The insane eat cookies like a wood chipper.
81 A crazy person with murderous intent will make sure to set a camera down to capture the moment, only to be stymied by a door.
82 Grandpa may poop his pants, but you won't know this from being near him. No, you have to uncover his dirty little secret, in the shed.

I wonder: did anyone notice if Stacey, hanging from the tree, was swinging "organically"?


I wonder: did anyone notice if Stacey, hanging from the tree, was swinging "organically"?


83. In the country, dead bodies don't smell when in a basement.


A few have mentioned the lack of dead-body-stink wafting through the house, but, if memory serves, Granny and Gramps were in a freezer. It's unfortunate "Bad Grandpa" didn't think to do the same with all his dirty "dippers"; that *beep* was rank.


84. Hitting a door knob with a video camera three times before breaking it off not only does no damage to the camera but not even the slightest glitch in the image or audio occurs. How *beep* lazy can you get!? :(


85. Cops arrive only after the action is over. And, of course, mom arrives at the same time as them.


85. Canon cameras no longer put their logo on their cameras.
86. Country folk really push the carbs.


87. Conveniently, when you want your grand-kid to clean the oven, it's magically deep enough to fit her body.

I'm actually very balanced. I have a chip on both shoulders.


88. Elderly people with dementia who can barely function can still remember how to play YAHTZEE!!!!



89. A Walmart "sales associate" and single mother of two can afford a $5,000 Canon EOS C300 for her daughter.

Originality needs a reboot.


90. Realizing they had no signal for their phones but somehow got internet capability. Also, they could've used the grandparents wifi to make phone calls. Lastly, the grandparents were so ill but somehow maintained keeping internet access up nor had any electronics. I didn't see a tv or a phone.


91. 13-year-old white boy rapper can efficiently assassinate a villain.
92. Psycho old lady has a great behind.


93. When a couple absconds from a mental hospital and simultaneously another similarly aged couple who regularly do volunteer work there fail to show up or give notice for several successive days, no one makes a connection between the two events even though it's a very small town where everybody knows everybody else and the sidewalks roll up at dusk (or 9:30 p.m. at the latest).


94.) If you are in a hurry, you can fast forward through at least the first half of the movie on your DVR and still almost instantly get up to speed on what's happening & what's about to happen.
95.) 13 year old white boys can rap! He can probably dance too!
96.) Spitting on your hands is a technique developed specifically for use only by Yahtzee Masters.


They had to have used a body double, if not were can I find a old woman like that.



THANK GOD SOMEONE MENTIONED THE HASBRO, MILTON BRADLEY THING. was she trying to make him feel even older? Was it like, a court issue? Is it based on a true incident of someone becoming homicidal after learning hasbro changed the yahtzee rules?



# whatever - Two obvious psychos can escape the nuthouse, the volunteers who assist there are missing, but no of authority (Dr. doesn't count, think, THE POLICE, lol) goes to the volunteers house to check on them nor is there an apparently countywide search for the nutjobs. This was, for the most part, a predictable pile of steaming doo doo. Wife caught the big surprise long before it was revealed. I got it when Stacey came over the first time. That M. Night Shamalamadingdong has made worse speaks volumes

"The problem with quotes from the internet is that many of them are just made up" Abraham Lincoln


76. Don't send your mom pics of the parents she hasn't seen in 15 years on arrival!
77. Don't go around showing pictures of dangerous escapees in the area in case anyone saw them
78. Aliens have invisible antennas


Grandmoms don't wear underwear.
