MovieChat Forums > The Visit (2015) Discussion > 100 Things I learned from, THE VISIT

100 Things I learned from, THE VISIT

I was surprised not to see one of these for this movie. I am sure most of you know how this works already.

1. Sh*t don't taste like chicken.
2. It takes 10 years to become a Yahtzee master.
3. Nana puts out her cigarettes in the same tea that she is drinking.
4. Teenagers today know who Sarah McLachlan is (this shocked me)
5. Nana is a little obsessive about cleaning the oven.
6. Don't look at PopPop the wrong way or he will beat you up.
7. Evidently Hairy chest contests are rather popular on cruises
8. A PC can now run Final Cut Pro. (Using a Sony Vaio Sony Vegas Pro would have looked a tad more believable)

Feel free to add some more


9. Drop your kids off at your relatives yourself!!


10. Never show your kids a picture of their grandparents or describe them.

Nicholas Cage Deadfall
Films 2015:


11. When someone is trying to kill you use one hand to film the assailant while trying to defend yourself. When he/she succeeds at least you had it documented.
12. Another reason hereafter to avoid M. Knight Shyamalan's movies.


13. When you think about going down to the basement to check things out, remember all the countless horror movies filmed, featuring a basement and stuff going terribly wrong/creepy/horrible.


"8. A PC can now run Final Cut Pro. (Using a Sony Vaio Sony Vegas Pro would have looked a tad more believable) "

hahahaha. so true.


5. Nana is a little obsessive about cleaning the oven.

Dude, she wanted to see if the girl fit in the oven so she could kill her there, pay attention to the movie. Seriously...


seriously, captain obvious? wow.



Xmarcelaxx you must have missed the sarcasm in the post. Some people take these things way too seriously.


To avoid misunderstood communications conveyed in your post please use the sarcasm font. Thank you.


Looks like you are new here.

When you see a post title "100 Things I learned from..." it is meant to be a sarcastic post.

nobody lives forever...


Some of my posts from earlier have been deleted for some reason. Push on.


Laptop cameras can now let others clearly see people standing outside a house.



13. Cops, wherever they were, don't answer the phone.
14. A curious teenager with a camera, whose grandparents are acting pretty bloody weirdly, hasn't checked out the basement before now?!
15. Long hair hanging in someone's face is always creepy, especially when they are crawling towards you from behind, slightly out of focus (ref Ring and any Japanese horror ever made).
16. Daddy issues can make you oblivious to the fact that you are living with psychos.
17. If you are going to run away with someone from Starbucks, Florida is the obvious choice.

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


3. Nana puts out her cigarettes in the same tea that she is drinking.

Nana is completely and utterly mentally ill. Putting out her cigarette in the tea cup is just one of the many aspects of it 😉
