Used to be great...

John Oliver used to present great, funny, and insightful reports on political issues, but now it seems recent episodes have just descended into Liberal punditry.
Now, i'm not saying anything is wrong with Liberalism, I just think the show was better with a more Centrist Stance.


Would have been helpful if you gave an example because I don't see it. So, since you provided no support for your opinion I can only respond with my unsupported opinion and say, "You're wrong" and we might as well have left the box empty.


Exactly. the show used to be great. Still is.


Great summary. I haven't noticed any change, and I live in Australia so I don't really have a horse in the race for the most part. His recent episode on encryption was particularly interesting. How that panders to the left is beyond me. It is important information that I'm sure a lot of people didn't know about beforehand.

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die"


Agree 100% with the OP


I've found that people who prefer political programming to take a centrist stance over a liberal one prefer if said programming didn't bring up uncomfortable truths which often lean left within the realm of reality for some odd reason.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


The episode about 911 emergency calls? That was somehow pandering to a certain audience? I'm pretty sure that issue affects every person in the US (and its very disturbing looking in from a different country!). I don't think it has lost its centrist stance at all, though I'm not American so I wouldn't know the whole story.

"Some may never live, but the crazy never die"


It's not the best idea to judge an entire show's content and/or bias based off of a 16 minute segment of one episode. The show as a whole takes a very leftist stance on hot topic issues. On issues people typically don't talk about, such as 911 Call reform, there is no stance to take simply because it neither side has taken one. That doesn't change the fact that the series continually presents more prevalent issues in a painfully biased way.

TL:DR Don't judge a show's political bias on a 16 minute video of the host discussing a nonpolitical issue.


I don't think I like this show anymore. I agree with commenters who say that Oliver is pandering too much to the liberals (meaning centrists), and his pro-Hillary bias is showing. This program has becoming quite alienating to someone like myself - a Bernie supporter and a progressive.

The biggest problem however is the quality of the writing. I can handle a biased program if the material is solid, but it no longer is. Oliver's jokes stink and appear to be designed with the sole purpose of keeping viewers with low attentions spans tuned in. Last episode's Brexit song was also woefully unfunny.

And the writers no longer seem to be doing good research. The Brexit episode revealed very little, for example, about the pro-Brexit position. It basically just labeled Brexiters racists and bigots, but we know that there is more to it than that. It was just not terribly enlightening.

This show just couldn't maintain the quality of the first season, and I suppose I should have expected that. However this season in particular has been a hard nosedive.


I hated the Brexit segment. Not accurate at all.


Conservatives are easy to mock because you people can't remove the religious element from your ideals. Believing in the afterlife is ridiculous and no one but your own people can take you serious.


Yeah, now it's all smear Trump all the time.



People can not hide from what they believe. If one play religion mocking quotes mp3 in all airports, you can get your terrorists right away.
