I actually enjoy this show. I like the characters and i find them interesting.
A lot of the posts made here, and elsewhere, seem to be anti show. OK, this show isint everyones cup of tea. Not every show is. SO....how about just dont watch it? What do you gain by coming here and posting how they did such and such wrong or how this part or that part of the story made no sense?
I would much rather have posts here to read made by actual fans, not by people who have nothing better to do then post anti show posts.
This show would give the characters in Big Bang Theory brain aneurysms, and for that matter, it would do the same to the characters on the show for that matter. The degree to which they deviate from reality is so extreme as to appear intentional at this point. One suspects a conspiracy among the mediocre writers of Hollywood to kill off all the smart people, but I digress.
The Big Bang Theory puts a great deal of effort into making sure everything the characters SAY makes sense to the people that know the subject and that the formulas shown either make sense or are hilarious inside jokes that only a handful of people in the world know enough to find funny.
This show had a few characters connecting to an airplane's computer while in flight using a network cable and a high performance sports car on a runway that had to be about 7 km long (over 14 miles) without any meaningful turns or bumps to solve a problem that would never happen whose solution was quite plainly spelled out in Due Hard 2 having the smartest man in the world outhought by the writers of Die Hard 2.
While the action is entertaining most of the time they go so far over the top that DIE HARD 2 can be used as a reference for how things SHOULD have been done. I don't mind a bit of mindless fun either. I enjoyed Die Hard 2 which was not nearly as good as Die Hard itself, but what can you do.
Which brings me to the point being asked: Why complain?
Why complain about Die Hard 2? Why not point out that they didn't do as well as they did writing the original? You know WHY?
Die Hard 2 is your answer.
They create crap stories because people accept crap stories.
The problem with Scorpion isn't so much how BAD the BAD stuff is, but how GREAT the show COULD be if they put the same kind of effort into this Drama about Geniuses that they do writing the Comedy about Geniuses.
So, instead of moving on with your life and simply not watching the show, you spend time out of your day watching a show then complaining about a show you could just.....not watch?
Are you aware that there are other channels and shows out there? Or, read a book. Or go watch Die Hard 2!!!
Why come here and complain about a show you dont have to watch? Just for the sake of complaining?
Why come on here and start a thread defending a show you watch? Don't you have anything better to do? Are you aware you could be watching reruns of the show right now, or, better yet, watching The View? Or reading somehting by Deepak Chopra? Or go watch Sharknado!!!
Why come here and complain about people complaining? Just for the sake of complaining?
This happens with all the shows here at the IMDb and elsewhere. Just ignore such posts if it gets you down because many that dislike a certain show can be mean and hateful and put you down because you do enjoy it. Not everyone falls into that category though.
I actually liked this show a lot in the first season. Now I am seeing such a familiar pattern to every storyline that is becoming boring. The crew is dealing with some crisis but not only do they have to solve that particular crisis, the original problem has now created secondary problems. Like the submarine episode. It was bad enough the sub had problems and fell to the bottom of the ocean but of course none of the group who remained on land knew where they were, then water started coming in which was going to cause hypothermia, THEN chlorine gas was leaking in. Then they had to shoot themselves out of the submarine but only one person out of the 4 of them would be able to, yada, yada, yada.
I just hate when a show becomes predictable. Considering Scorpion is only in its second season, that does not bode well for renewal or for me to continue to watch it either.
It's a crisis type of show though. Its like with many other shows. Yes, its the crisis of the week but it keeps me interested. It also has the thread of what's going on between the characters and their backstory.
I definitely agree with you about haters of any show or actor, who loiter on the boards only to trash-talk. But I don't mind people who actually like the show or actor, who come on and complain about something they don't like.
I "tolerate different opinions" just fine. I just don't understand people who waste their life loitering on the boards of something they hate. Even the OP to whom I was responding wasn't intolerant in their post, just baffled about what all the dissenters were doing bothering with the show if they hated it so much.
It is a love hate relationship...usually. I watched Under the Dome until the end. Not because it was so awesome, but because it was so ridiculous and it still entertained me anxiously expecting the next episode to see how lower the bar can get and what stupid things the characters do this week. I don't know how it is with scorpion, but what I read was, that the IT / hacking stuff was really bad. In this way, I also flamed all the time about UtD, but it was entertaining. I just know pretty sure that I won't be watching scorpion, since I know some things (slight understatement about software development and hacking, and as I heard, the hacking stuff (as usual) is pretty ridiculous in Scorpion ..as it is in CSI:Cyber.
Anti-Show post are okay by me if they fall into the category of having a laugh at it, threads like 100 Things I Learned From Watching Scorpion are good fun, as are the ones that do a funny synopsis of what went on in the show that week. One of the reasons I continued watching The Following was because of the ludicrous things in it and I often joined in those type of threads (the How It Went Down This Week thread there was hilarious), because it was why I continued watching the show for the laughs and the communal laughs on IMDb.
Nothing wrong with a bit of fun criticism, continual new threads about This Show Would Be Good If It [insert argument] can get annoying as they're never going to change the show to be like that, it is what it is. Like I say I don't mind people making fun of the show in threads designed for that purpose even if I like a show (as I do Scorpion), I can find them funny as well. Though simply going into every thread and bagging out the show and people watching gets annoying and yes you do wonder why those people watch as nine times out of ten it's simply to be nasty and to act all superior.
If you watch for the lol's more power to you, go ahead create the funny threads about the stuff that keeps you watching the show, after all if that is what those threads clearly are those who really are fans of the show don't have to read them. If you watch to act all superior and be nasty to others then maybe take a look with-in and sort out what is really making you so angry inside that you vent on others, then perhaps you can enjoy a peaceful and happy life instead of a nasty angry one.
Thank you, Progeekzy! I like the show and enjoy watching the reruns as well. If you don't like the show, don't watch, and don't rain on the parade of those of us who do like it.
patabarca, JohnnyTick said "Anti-Show post are okay" and "Nothing wrong with a bit of fun criticism" but I see nothing about "rain on the parade of those of us who do like it". I think your comments missed some important issues that JohnnyTick mentioned.
People have a need to express their opinions whether you agree with it or not. Your post is like me telling you, "if you don't like the negative comments, stay off of the board". You can't tell someone to not post just because it doesn't agree with you.
-In my mind, Christopher Reeve will always be Superman.-
Actually, its not like that at all. A lot of the threads here seem to come from people who dont like the show at all, but watch it anyways and then complain about how much they dont like the show.
So it would be like me renting a horror movie, knowing that i already hate horror movies and then complain that i dont like horror movies. Or going to a restaurant and ordering sushi, when i already hate sushi, then complain that i dont like sushi.
The people who already dont like the show, could simple not watch the show that they already dont like. And not fill the boards with there anti scorpion hate threads.
But for some reason they sit down and watch a show that they dont like and then go to the boards to tell everyone how much they dont like the show that they just watched.
So it would be like me renting a horror movie, knowing that i already hate horror movies and then complain that i dont like horror movies.
Well it is more like renting a movie that, on the box, described itself as comparable the next great Stephen King thing, but what you really get is Tomato Fetish Sorority Pool Party 12.
Or, for example, it is advertised as a show about a bunch of really smart people doing really smart things when the reality is that half the really smart things they claim to do only appear really smart if you live in that part of the Psych Ward where they need to set out signs saying 'Watch out for Drool' on the floors on a regular basis.
Again, the complaint is less about how BAD the show is than it is about how great it COULD BE.
Well it is more like renting a movie that, on the box, described itself as comparable the next great Stephen King thing, but what you really get is Tomato Fetish Sorority Pool Party 12.
Posting once to say, "This was a total disappointment" would be like that. And there are folks who do just that.
Then we have the folks that do the equivalent of watching Tomato Fetish Sorority Pool Party 13, 14, and 15, and posting threads each time saying how stupid the concept still is.
I've come to the conclusion that a sizable plurality of IMDb posters just like to post threads to show how terribly smart and tragically cool they are. I generally ignore them.
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While I can agree with the tragic nature of spending your days talking about how terrible something is I see little wrong with lamenting how bad a show that could have been great is and what they could have done to improve it.
When people stop complaining, Hollywood stops really trying or worse, well written shows get scrubbed in favour of stories pulled from a meat grinder. It is borderline a parody of itself which I could buy and even enjoy but I really do think some of these writers think what they have come up with is smart.
I still maintain that with the research team used for The Big Bang Theory, a comedy of all things, this show could be phenominal. As it is some of the episodes are entertaining and some of the characters have grown interestingly but it is some pretty bad writing all over 95% of the time.
I would much rather have posts here to read made by actual fans
I agree it's more enjoyable to interact with fans; however, you must remember that this is NOT a fan site. This is an OPEN FORUM wherein anyone can post their opinion (even holes of the ass variety). Just ignore the haters. I will add, however, that many negative posts on this board are entertaining and some even qualify as educational.
Come for the whimsy Stay for the Characters Forget about reality for an hour