How do you think the room will smell as the 1000th dude finishes dribbling...
I reckon the room will be... "fetid".
shareI reckon the room will be... "fetid".
shareAnd how much do you think the girl cares?
By her own admission "it was hard" and she wouldn't recommend it to others, but in the end she made 10 million dollars last month and I'm sure there are millions of men in the world who would do far worse things for far less money.
No need to white knight this woman, BlackMass is simply making light of a disgusting scenario.
shareThere's no doubt that many men wouldn't want her, but there's also no doubt that even more men would want her for the money she's making.
There is no black and white in this, it's her decision how she makes money and it's not up to us to judge that.
After all the 10 million are all paid by men who like seeing what she's doing and given how small the monthly fee per user is, that must be a huge load of men.
What is Mark trying to white knight here? It seems that he's just bringing up the point that money talks.