flop or a billion?

This should have been released before the Infinity War movie.




^ i say even steven as well


I don't think it will be a box office hit and for that reason it will be considered a flop. But I think whoever goes to watch it will likely enjoy it.



Prediction: $450M worldwide, $190M domestic


I'm going to go see it from what I've seen in the trailers. It might be the first movie I go see this year. Bad Boys,Birds,New Mutants look like junk in the trailers.


I honestly don't know a single person who cares about Black Widow.

Personally I can't see it doing all that well, but it probably won't be a flop either. I'm guessing it pulls down respectable numbers, but will never get a sequel.


Personally I can't see it doing all that well, but it probably won't be a flop either. I'm guessing it pulls down respectable numbers, but will never get a sequel.
A sequel would be determined for financial reasons or creative reasons. Marvel basically locked themselves into no sequel that makes linear narrative sense regardless of how much money is made from the film with Scarlett.

I personally think that a sequel is more than possible but with a NEW Black Widow if that is the direction that Marvel is planning.


a billion.


I've seen every MCU film in theaters (and enjoyed them overall), but I honestly never felt any interest in or empathy for the BW character at all, so I'm drawing a blank on this one. I'm not saying it's warranted, but for some reason I'd be more interested in a Valkyrie or Scarlet Witch film.


Scarlet Witch movie will have more constant hard-ons because they always give her boob shot angles.


Black Widow is gonna make some money. Sexy actress with a big ass, what's not to love? If anything, everybody will go watch it out of boredom. Black Widow movie has more of a Nikita or Fem Fetale feel to it. Even though she's considered a superhero, the movie will play out like any other spy type film.


Sexy actress with a big ass, what's not to love?

Umm... Ghost in the Shell?


This is the first movie to ever star a woman in the lead role. Surely it will make 8 billion.
