
I didn't even finish the first one, I thought it was dumb, and fell short of what could have had a lot of potential. I don't understand why there needs to be a second one. Can anyone explain to me? Maybe if you liked the first and are excited for this.



The movies has more substance than Transformers. Yet that one spawned 3 sequels..... :(




You did not like the first one yet watched the second one? butt why. I was forced to watch the first Twilight because i was going out with my ex stupid girlfriend yet i never watched the reste of the series and am now single.



Y not?


Not sure what "the First One" they are referring to is, but 'Rampage: Capital Punishment" from 2014 was really good! Besides it capturing the way I feel towards the state of the world perfectly (agree we will need to "kill the rich" if we are ever to effect a positive change, and his condemnation of the bankers, politicians, military industrialists, and uber-wealthy is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! ), but aside from the shared philosophy, the movie worked because it was suspenseful, kept me on edge for the entire time, right up to the end credits, and the principle cast was very good (The 'protagonist/ anti-hero' was the best actor, although the news anchor was decent as the vain bimboy.)

So if you don't like the way the world is going, and need to share your anger with like-minded counter-revolutionary characters, check this movie out. You will feel better afterwards, but not in a tidy, happy ending Hollywood way. You will want to join the movement!!

Go Uwe Boll!


You're judging a movie that you didn't even complete? Wow, how stupid.


I think you are dumb, and fell short of what could have been a lot of potential.

Life's too short for mediocrity


I think this film was totally sick, in view of the gun crazy culture that now infests the USA. There are so many heavily armed lunatics in that country now that any of them seeing this would have been inspired to be copy cats. Crazy.


lmao... this movie is inspired by real events. The USA is the world capital of mass-shootings. There are over 80 guns per 100 people living there. And you have the nerve to say that this FILM is sick?
