
I didn't even finish the first one, I thought it was dumb, and fell short of what could have had a lot of potential. I don't understand why there needs to be a second one. Can anyone explain to me? Maybe if you liked the first and are excited for this.


I thought the first was great, probably Boll's 2nd best movie.
Loved the dark melancholic nihilistic tone.
With just the right moments of dark humour.

Even watching a horribly censored/recut version the first time didn't ruin it for me.

I'm interested to see how he's going to up the ante this time.


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Uh-huh and which one of his is #1, then? o.0


[..] and fell short of what could have had a lot of potential.

They all do, every-single-one-of-'em. :-/

It strings you along, you HOPE that it's gonna happen - or, not gonna happen (LOL) & then, bam - it's all broken and twisted... Empty.

^^ Maybe he's doing it on purpose, IDK. Because the film(s) is, like, a masterpiece: something unique and interesting & then, without a fail: he misses the mark, drops the ball, strikes out. Somehow, it takes (real?!) skill to do that!! xD


Theres a clue in my SIG...


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Why not? The first one was good.


If you finish the film you'd realize what you liked about it before you turn it off comes full circle at the end.


the first Rampage movie was good but it has a long build up the first 25 minutes are flashbacks. 34 minutes into it is when the action starts

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


Rampage is actually one of the few(if not only) Uwe Boll movie that is not rubber *beep* The idea is interesting, the character is ok, the action has a bit too much shaky cam but oh well... Sure its Boll, so its badly filmed but i liked the idea and its watchable... I will actually look for the second one... even tough im ashame to say this about a Toilet Boll movie...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


The ending is what made this movie! It was kinda hard for me to watch, but some of the scenes stirred up in me the same feelings of social contempt. I was thinking "Holden Caulfield" with massive firepower.


I didn't expect such a masterplan - and one that succeeds to boot! Again, hard to watch, but pretty genius!


because Uwe Boll, that's all.


There was no need. The first one had some redeeming value, as we actually got to get a little inside the mind of Bill, before he "starts"...so, there's some context as to why he's doing what he's doing. Not to say that made the original noticeably better, but probably because of a lot of complaints about that slow buildup, the second one just goes straight to the action and hamhands in some reasoning during it all.

He vents about the rich and the elite, so kill off media staff and tons of police? You'd think from the box art, he was going to D.C., to take out some politicians.


Plus, that deus ex machina ventilation shaft that can fit an adult male in full body armor was an insult to my intelligence. I'd think the SWAT team would have covered that as well.

In the end, I saw the trailer for this movie, had watched the original back when it was released, but forgot about the plot. So, I re-watched the original and then watched this one, back-to-back, and I want my 3 hours back.


yawn dat fragile dvd lmao
other than that it was best film i've seen this year, certanly better than LIVE.SНIT.CRAP


You didn't finish it, so why would we care about what you think?
