Am I the only one who
Felt sorry for Marina? Why couldn't Laura let her join in with her group of friends, give her a make over and buy her a wig or hair piece to make her feel better about herself? They were all so cruel and selfish.
shareFelt sorry for Marina? Why couldn't Laura let her join in with her group of friends, give her a make over and buy her a wig or hair piece to make her feel better about herself? They were all so cruel and selfish.
sharei hope you are the only one. why the heck should laura have to take care of someone she doesn't even know.
i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners
I'm there are other psychopaths who would agree.
She tried to be nice to her, but Marina acted extremely overbearing and sent her hundreds of messages in the span of an hour. It is very off putting. She tried to invite herself to Laura's birthday celebration when she wasn't invited. This was a celebration that included only her closest friends and her mother. So she lied to Marina in a way to not hurt her feelings and basically implied that they could do something the day after. This wasn't enough for Marina and she acted like a deranged lunatic in the cafe. She even knew the way she was acting was out of line and sent tons of apologizes right after. Maybe in time Laura would have made amends with her, but Marina didn't bother to give her some time and space.
Laura's friends weren't even mean to Marina, only made comments about how her profile was creepy, and Marina wasn't even around to hear those comments. Marina was a victim of mental illness, but certainly was not the victim in the events that unfolded in the movie.
I just can't understand why people don't feel sorry for a traumatised lonely girl who KILLS HERSELF because she is too damaged. Mainly because she is "weird".
shareI was rooting for Marina from the beginning.
shareI don't think you're understanding the point of the movie...
Laura was the only one who decided to be nice and be friends with Ma Rina.
Notice I typed Ma Rina because Marina is the little girl we saw. It's an indication that Ma Rina isn't the original Marina, meaning Ma Rina is a witch/ demon who is possession Marina. Ma Rina's intentions for Laura were dark from the beginning, which is the reason why the cycle continues at the end with Lau Ra instead of just Laura. It isn't clear whether or not Marina and Laura are dead or trapped in the mirror. It is said that mirrors can trap souls, so the demon or the witch, whoever could be controlling Marina's and Laura's bodies. There are a lot of things that aren't explained, so it's hard to tell what really happened to the original Marina or Laura. They may or may not be dead. Anyway...
Laura didn't make fun of Ma Rina like you have been saying. Her friends did make some short little rude comments, but everyone does that to people who freak them out. Not everyone are saints. And they didn't say it directly to Ma Rina's face, but in private, so it's not that big of an issue. When they DID say those things about Ma Rina, Laura didn't even insult her, she said "I like it" about Ma Rina's art and videos, so I don't understand why you're so hell-bent on Laura being a terrible person and calling Ma Rina weird? Because she didn't. Her friends did. And even did it wasn't that bad.
Laura did not know about Ma Rina's past until the middle of the movie after Ma Rina was "dead". You can't blame Laura for not knowing what Ma Rina went through. She only knew the girl for like 2 weeks! It's not Laura's fault that Ma Rina had a bad past.
Laura wasn't obsessed with being popular. If she was, she wouldn't have become friends with Ma Rina in the first place an would have considered her gross and unpopular. She wanted to be nice because she saw Ma Rina alone a lot and was curious and interested in her. You clearly don't understand the mentality that people who crave popularity go through. They don't even take a second glance at people like Ma Rina like Laura did.
Now, I do believe it was a bit harsh to just delete Ma Rina without letting her give an explanation as to why she got a little crazy with Laura in the cafeteria, but people handle situations differently. It was also harsh to lie to Ma Rina in the first place instead of just explaining to her that it would be just close family and friends and not a big party, which was the truth. However, we don't know how Ma Rina would have reacted to that either. She may have considered herself a close friend to Laura already after only knowing her for 2 weeks when it's clear Laura doesn't feel the same way. You can't force friendships to become close over a short matter of time. Even you should understand that.
Also, Laura and her friends didn't make fun of Ma Rina for not having any hair. They just mentioned she pulled at her hair a lot. They didn't even know she didn't have hair at the top of her head until she went crazy and got violent with Laura in the cafeteria and Laura had to defend herself by pushing her away. That's when her hood came off.
You can have sympathy for what Marina went through. I also sympathize with Marina, but Ma Rina was a malicious person/ spirit who only wanted to destroy Laura from the get-go. I think you should go back and re-watch the movie to understand the point of views from both of the characters. Of course her friends were one dimensional, but most side-characters are.
Laura was a genuinely good person who was kind to others and wasn't a follower. She didn't let other people sway what she thought of Ma Rina. Ma Rina's actions pushed Laura away because Laura was afraid of how violent she had become. You mean to tell me you wouldn't be afraid of someone you barely know becoming violent towards you over such a small incident as a private party?
You should really check the movie out again and re-evaluate the situation that Laura was in. Put yourself in her shoes. Everyone handles things differently. She may not have handled things smartly, but she was trying to preserve Ma Rina's feelings in a not so smart way.
Sorry for the long reply, I just wanted to get the point of the movie across to you.
You got the movie perfectly.
She could have handled it a bit better though. Could of just said: Hey stop spamming my messages, ill see you tomorrow at school. No sorry, you cant come to my birthday, its for close friends only. Marina would have still freaked out. I never get why people cant just act logical in horror movies. Maybe its just to annoy the viewer.