Smith=One dimension acting
Soooooo tired of Will Smith's one dimensional acting it gets old fast now days. You have to pay me to go see this liberal crap.
shareSoooooo tired of Will Smith's one dimensional acting it gets old fast now days. You have to pay me to go see this liberal crap.
shareWhat makes this movie "liberal"?
shareThis is as close to pure liberal propaganda as it gets. I can barely stand getting trough the trailer.
It's liberal propaganda because it has a black guy on it? Or is it liberal propaganda because the plot requires an IQ above 90? 😅
It's good knowing that you racist morons are going to get outbred. 😂
racist? you are the one who mentioned race. i didnt see anyone else say sh!t about race.
share... It was because the whole premise of the film is totally retarded: "[..] uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play".
It's not like the discovery of X-rays, where they had been so dim that they ended up killing themselves. This is about who will make money from allowing facts (?) to be become realization and rule, heh.
(& how those who stood to lose money were forced to 'allow' it, eventually :))
So Beyoncé is not allowed into the theatre to watch it?
shareWhat makes Will Smith's acting "one dimensional"?
shareHe hasn't done any comedy movies in a while so his acting is one dimensional now.
shareThe role is one dimensional and Smith can't or doesn't move beyond the particulars: look and accent. It's an impersonation but lacks depth. The whole movie is by the numbers and a report on 60 Minutes was more informative and interesting.
shareWill Smith will win the Oscar for this role... racist hillbilly's have no right to comment on art.
sharesrry but hes not winning for this lol. i love will but just saying. you really don't have to be racist though all that guy said is he's tired of will, nothing racial. but i guess every white person is just a dumb hillbilly to you? thanks, now i know even actual dumb hillbillys are still smarter than you.
shareYou better believe it.
It's amazing how many morons that have blind hatred for skin color are on these boards.
The man presented the best performance that I'VE seen in cinema in A VERY LONG TIME!
O so you mean just because a guy is black or he is gay or transgender (insert whatever) no once can criticize their performance and anyone who does is automatically a racist, hater etc?
You're playing the race card so that everyone is afraid to disagree with you?
What a way to silence the critics.
Color or whatever will not protect anyone if they dont give a good performance.
Remember that.
Wow, that's pretty scary that what you gathered from peoples comments was racism. I don't even agree with these people comments, but they said NOTHING about race.. How crazy and stupid are you buddy??
The vast majority of people who are racist these days are black people.. Its time to stop pulling out the race card every time someone of color gets critiqued. They said his acting was what bothered them you retarded clown shoe, not the color of his damn skin.
Where do idiots like you come from??
Cindy, don't just stare at it, EAT IT.
Hard to win an Oscar when you don't get a nomination...
shareWill Smith will win the Oscar for this role
Who cares. It was mediocre performance for an interesting story, but Smith made the story worse for me b/c there's been so much of him lately. He only plays himself apparently.
shareI am not racist at all but I have watched wthousands of white actors play the same role over and over again so I was a kid and nobody ever complains but let a black actor play a role and h'es on dimensional like gtfoh.....
You are a evil republican !
shareThis is true unfortunately
"Idiots, Idiots EVERYWHERE"
Soooooo tired of Will Smith's one dimensional acting it gets old fast now days. You have to pay me to go see this liberal crap.
It's liberal because it's fighting for an organization to care about their employees well being instead of treating them in a manner that appears solely for profit.
(On the other hand they make good money.)
(On the other hand big companies tend to not fall on the side of the safety of their employees ... so government has to force that.)
The op is a pathetic hateful republican !
shareSo treating people as human beings and not work horses, is not a liberal thing, ok. Good to know.
But even looking at it from your cold-hearted perspective, conservatives should care about the HEALTH of their employees because if they are unhealthy it hurts profit.
Not everything has to turn it into a liberal vs. conservative argument. I have not seen concussion yet, but it's main goal is to make money obviously, but the plot of the movie aims to entertain and inform.
Too bad not everyone can be like David Olewoyo or Chris Bale, huh?
"The storm cannot be stopped, but it can be survived.'"
No, one dimensional acting is like Mark Wahlberg. At least Will Smith changed his voice.
shareThis is a wearsome one dimensional criticism.
I am the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega