Agreed. She has the emotional expressive range of an inaminate dirt-clod and delivers her lines with breathy mumbles. She was exactly the same in this film. The last scene where she's droning on and on the lines from the book/screenplay to her mother was sheer torture. Looked and sounded like a blank-faced rock with a bullfrog trapped underneath it. Pure nails on chalkboard. She's one element of this movie that I wish I could lose from my memories.
I have yet to see Still Alice but this description was epic!!! Not sure I'll be able to watch her performance straight-faced without imagining a "blank-faced rock with a bullfrog trapped underneath it"... Thank you for brightening my day so eloquently!
You're right. That last part was MEH, but overall I have to say I was impressed because I think she didn't suck that much this time. I was expecting her usual awfulness which then fully shines while playing Chekhov. THAT was bad.
Agreed. She has the emotional expressive range of an inaminate dirt-clod and delivers her lines with breathy mumbles. She was exactly the same in this film. The last scene where she's droning on and on the lines from the book/screenplay to her mother was sheer torture. Looked and sounded like a blank-faced rock with a bullfrog trapped underneath it. Pure nails on chalkboard. She's one element of this movie that I wish I could lose from my memories.
I hope you're a writer. Nailed it quite entertainingly!
"I offered him a lateral move to Austin." "That's like a duck making a lateral move to a l'Orange!"
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Wow, that paragraph is exactly right -- Perfect description. I could not understand what she was saying except for a word here and there -- so what was the point? And it went on and on. The director should have corrected that scene.
Agreed. Her characters are very one dimensional, although this particular character I feel she enacted better. Basically because the character was pretty disenchanted, slightly brooding, and not very likeable. She played it very naturally.
I'd never seen her in a movie before. I thought she did great. I thought she was playing the younger daughter sort of like a James Dean. Unemotional on the surface, with burning emotions inside. Cool, offhand, tough.
The younger daughter and older daughter were played off each other as different types, the older daughter being more touchy feely and emotional, with the younger daughter being more independent and tougher and unemotional.
While I think she's a perfectly nice girl, I think at best you can call her acting serviceable and at worst tortuous. I feel that the problem with Stewart's acting is that for whatever reason, she resorts too often to these awkward tics and facial expressions that can be very distracting and tiresome, especially if you've seen her in many films, which I have. She has a tendency of basically acting the same in every role she plays and I feel a lot of that has to do with her own mannerisms and characteristics. For me, it's very difficult to see her as the character and not as Kristen Stewart. It's like there's too much of her in all the roles she plays, if that makes any sense. As for her performance in Still Alice, it was what I've come to expect from her: at times fine, and at times downright cringe-worthy.
She's had her moments though. I thought she was good in Welcome to the Rileys, and I'm looking forward to her performance in Equals. She's young, so I'm hoping with time and experience she'll grow and mature as an actress.
For me, it's very difficult to see her as the character and not as Kristen Stewart. It's like there's too much of her in all the roles she plays, if that makes any sense.
that makes perfect sense and i feel the same way.
Libera te tu temet ex inferis. pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
I was trying to think of other actors that did this and John Cusack reminds me of a good example of an actor that has had success playing essentially the same character. Many of Cusack's romantic comedies (Serendipity, High Fidelity, Must Love Dogs) are all played similarly. He's one of my favorite actors and despite these types of roles, he has way more range than Stewart does. Robin Williams comes to mind too. I can't think of any actresses right now but you get the idea.
I've seen some movies with her, but I keep hearing that this was one of het better performances, so that must mean that the other "performances" must be really, really bad. The bit from Chekov at the end, OMG, so void of emotion. She simply has read the lines, rememberd them, and then repeated them in front of a camera, thats it, no extras or anything. The director must have been really high and/or drunk to aprove this. Kinda ruined the whole movie for me.
Holy cow I thought I was the only one who picked up on all this. One emotion yes. I think that's just her personality but I like Kristin anyway she's different otherwise she wouldn't get any roles. A lot of actresses her age can't act. You know in the next five years Julianne will probably get into the AFI
You're so right. I'm amazed she gets roles to mumble through. It's all Catherine Hardwickes's fault for picking her to ruin the Twilight franchise. Without that exposure she might have disappeared.
I thought she was serviceable in this film. She was a nice counterbalance to Kate Bosworth's portrayal of the other sister. There are some movie critics I've read that really praised her performance in this film and called it awards worthy. That was really hard to understand, but I'm guessing this role was not much of a stretch for her to play.