MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > who went in not knowing any spoilers? (S...

who went in not knowing any spoilers? (SPOILERS!!)

I managed it. Beyond seeing the 'Hurt' teaser trailer and Jackman and Stewart saying this is their last movie and read that the kid was being called X23 so that must be something to do with Logan being Weapon X (also don't read comics so had no knowledge of any of those Old Man Logan, Death of Wolverine etc),

Obviously I had a feeling Xavier would die (mainly due to Stewart saying he was done and Charles being in his 90s) but thought it'd be of old age/illness or maybe Logan or the kid would have to kill him to save everyone from one of his mind seizures Jean/X3 style ..had no idea hed go out like he did.

Didn't know Logan would Xavier had a feeling he would at the end (Jackman and everyone saying its his last one) but didn't know for sure.. I guess its kind of like Spock in The Wrath of Khan or Han in TFA..everyone had heard the rumours before but no one knew for sure until they saw the movie (but Logan dying wasn't as a known thing as Spock dying was back in 82)

Had absolutely NO idea there'd be a Wolverine clone (even when they were making him) so literally didn't know what the hell was going on when he killed Xavier lol (took me a few seconds to realise he was a clone and not Logan)

Didn't know Charles had killed the XMen (obviously Logan had survived it)

Didn't know the kid was Wolverines daughter (kind of)

Didn't know Richard E Grant was Strykers? son (or another Alkalie scientist?)

Didn't know when it was set (2029) or how it tied into the timeline (i.e. set after the DOFP alternate future ending)

Had no idea of the sinister plot that finally wiped out the mutants (wiping out all mutant kind has been a central theme in most of the X movies and been directly attempted in X2/3/DOFP (with DOFP they reset everything so it was good but as Terminator showed and as Beast explained in DOFP we see the dark future is inevitable) but here they finally did it with the chemicals in food stuff which was wiping out the mutant gene (in regular people so they dont have mutant kids. And with mutants making them sterile and affecting their powers - e.g Logans healing being affected so he no heal easy and is getting adamantium poisoning and left him vulnerable to his full powered clone (plus maybe his age too), and also it mustve affected Charles (in addition to his age) so he wiped out the Xmen/bunch of humans in a seizure (bar Logan who could survive it) -similar to how Stryker tried to make him do in X2. (plus maybe all the DOFP stuff that happened (the original timeline wiped, the mind meld, professors knowledge of two timelines e.g. in the deleted scene his getting confused that Logan killed Jean ) could've contributed to the Professors gradually losing his mind/suffer seizures?)


I didn't know any spoilers, but I suspected that Logan and/or Charles would die... Just not how they did. I mean, I thought Charles might die of old age or heart attack or maybe cancer, and that Wolverine would go down fighting (which he did, but I didn't know about the clone beforehand).


The only thing I knew was that it was a R-rated Logan film and that was all I need to know. I never watch trailers or read reviews of films I know I'm going to see. I try to avoid getting any knowledge beforehand. I want to be surprised like back in the day when all you knew was the name and maybe the cool posters.


I went in Knowing no Spoilers...

Had no clue Charles would Die.

Never expected Logan to Die.

Never even considered X-24/another Wolverine would be in it....even in the movie when they said "They created something else, something without a soul", I knew it was going to be the "Big Bad" but never even consider it would be A Wolverine Clone.

I wasn't spoiled that X-23 was his daughter but I expected it, actually I kinda figured going in they might come up with a different Origin for her other than being his daughter to throw people off, but It was the right thing to do to make her his daughter

The Wolverine clone is by far the thing that shocked me most and I'm so glad I wasn't spoiled on that.

The death of Wolverine though is probably the thing that surprised me most, even when he was buried in rocks and I could tell the movie was ending I just kept thinking, they aren't going to kill him, the rocks will move or something.

and the reason why I just couldn't except him Dying was simply because the movie was so god damn good...I could tell him dying fit the story and movie perfectly and would be the right way to end the movie, But in my mind I was saying, They aren't going to kill him, Fox wouldn't do that, not with the movie being this Great...they are going to want a sequel....I just kept thinking, Fox have known about and has seen this movie for a least 6 months, Fox knows they've got a Grand Slam here, They known for a very long time, that this movie is so great its going to get great reviews and exceed expectations at the box office, I just kept thinking that like 4 or 5 months ago Fox would have sat down with The director and said, we have to change the ending, He's got to live, You made the movie to god damn great, People are going to go crazy for this and we have to have a sequel. So I couldn't except Logan was going to die...I literally didn't think Fox would allow based on how great the movie was


Fox tried. Jackman was adamant that after nine movies, of which only two or three were watchable, it was time. Fox had their shots. Nine shots to be exact. Thank god they gave us one Logan at least.


Whoop -de-doo. You watched a movie like a normal person.


well in this day and age its a rare thing to see a movie without having everything spoiled before :)


I saw it last night. I decided I wanted to go to the movies -- not a rare thing. So I looked up what movies were playing. A very common thing. I eliminated all of the obviously bad movies and those that were not my type, and decided on Logan. Watched it. Yay! :P

