MovieChat Forums > The Returned (2015) Discussion > The Returned Has Been Cancelled. Not Com...

The Returned Has Been Cancelled. Not Coming Back.

What am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to what I say.


I was going to start watching this as I had watched the French version (which was excellent by the way) but I guess I won't bother now.

No offence to any Americans out there but your tv execs are idiots - they do this all the time, start off a show, plug it to death and spend loads of money on advertising and then give up without giving it a chance. I mean at least decide before the first season ends if you're going to renew and then you can finish it off properly. This is just like Invasion, Flash Forward and many others.

Thankfully the French version is back in the Autumn, so hopefully I might get an ending from that one.


Oh, believe me, alligatoruk, I get it. I always thought NBC was the WORST with doing this to shows, but A&E is now quickly ranking up there, though NBC has been doing it with much more consistency, since they've had over forty years to perfect the "art" of teasing people with shows and then yanking them.



It's been cancelled AND it's not coming back. The double whammy!


I like the show. I hope Amazon or Netflix pick this up.


I don't. That would be worse than just outright cancelling it. Not everyone has an Amazon Prime or Netflix account (and not all of us want one). I refuse to pay for services like those when I already pay for my satellite T.V.



Then don't pay for one. I stream everything and just use a hd antenna. It's a waste of money. I just binged watched this show. I wouldn't of thought it had bad ratings. Production values were good and the storyline for the most part.

I don't even know how to watch the French version but I a am a newbie and replying to a post from a year and a half ago.


Ah damn. I enjoyed this version of it and liked it for both it's similarities and differences from the French version. Oh well, at least the French are doing a second season so fans of the show still have that.


Too bad this got cancelled.

I felt that although the series was nothing exceptional in terms of writing and plot, it still felt interesting enough to follow through. The series also left alot of things out in the open such as the true reason for their resurrection, the enourmous appetite each one had and many other little matters.

This supposed "first" season really didn't try to explain too much about the true origin of the so-called "returned" especially since that teen-aged girl's grave was empty and one of those resurrected people had apparently aged after he had risen from the dead or something.

This series had some potential, but now when you look at it from a standalone perspective, it leaves alot of unanswered questions and somehow makes the entire plot so very incomplete from the beginning.


This is such a lack of respect with the viewers.... It's no stupid....
At least, give it a freaking end!!!
Make it a mini-series, or something!!!
Just one more episode so people who are giving you their attention and time are satisfied with what you're giving them!!!
This just makes people avoid the channel and whatever they have to offer!!
Don't these people actually think about the consequences of doing that??


Networks, think? You're kidding, right? If networks did any thinking beyond "hey, maybe this will make us some money... oops, it didn't? Yank it!" NBC wouldn't be known as the joke of a network it is. They've perfected bringing good shows out and yanking them in one season or LESS. Looks like A&E is taking a page from NBC's book.



They need to pair up with a streaming service. Streaming is the way of the future. I have no doubt I'd like this show but we don't and haven't had cable for years.



(Insert pic of Grumpy Cat)




Darn it i wish id checked IMDB first i just watched the whole first series and i wouldnt have bothered if id known its never gonna continue, a cliff hanger with no return what a waste of 7 1/2 hours. No seriously there isnt any reason to watch it without a conclusion what have netflix even got it on there for, just to piss its viewers off?
