it is all about "How to take an interesting premise and slowly turn it into a boring, lazy sitcom with characters and stories that no one cares". In the beginning, the apocalyptic situation played a major role, now the story could be placed in any non-apocalyptic scenario, could it be in a vacation trip to a resort in hawaii or whatever. It started brilliantly, now it just sucks big time!
I also enjoyed the first season. After they ended up in that high tech mansion the survival was turned down. There is the occasional solar power thing going on.
It's been hinted that what they're doing is dangerous, it's mentioned that gas will go bad at some point and the place is not survivable without modern tech, like AC, water, electricity etc.
The group is in pretty dire problems now, they've been looting the nearest shops, rather than going further out and use up them first and save the closer ones. Now that the cars may not be working anymore, they will find it hard to find supplies since they've mostly looted the nearest stuff.
It will be harder for them to find major storage centers without cars.
In the long term the roads wil clutter with falling trees, storms will do their things, floods will destroy bridges, in the long term country wide travel will not be possible because the roads collapse.
I hope they will show how much of a struggle life will be going forward.