I understand depression is a serious subject matter and you have to at least have a basic understanding of it to relate to something like that...
That being said, that's what it took Gretchen to become a shïtty character these last three episodes: seriously her so-called "depression" came out of nowhere with no set up whatsoever, and since then, she's been a total bummer and a boring character to watch, and her interactions with other characters is just cringeworthy and overall bad. Before that depression bullshït, she was a fine and well-developed character and capable of sustaining a toxic relationship with Jimmy and being more active than the emo-angsty crap-ass character she has become.
You know that even the Bible has plot holes, ¿right?
Haven't watched tonight's episode, but I agree. There's really no nuance or interesting aspect to "depressed Gretchen." She's a snooze fest on screen.
OT, but it's interesting the way pop culture discusses depression. Especially within the context of dark comedy. Brings out the soapbox, armchair psychiatrists to reprimand the simpletons whom "don't know what depression is like" etc.
Brings out the soapbox, armchair psychiatrists to reprimand the simpletons whom "don't know what depression is like" etc.
It's even funnier when those simpletons actually don't know what depression is like but still engage enthusiastically in argument with people who claim to have experienced depression.
Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? - Winnie the Pooh
Then enlighten me about how much you apparently know about depression, because if it could be true that depression can come up out of nowhere, that is no excuse for Gretchen to become a goddamned sour puss and a whinner about everything.
And by the way, maybe i don't understand depression, but at least i'm old enough to spell correctly. _______________________________________________
You know that even the Bible has plot holes, ¿right?
Actually i have dealt with it for a long time.. and it does come out of nowhere and she is pretty much playing it perfectly to the point i would bet she has had to deal with it herself. .. BUT it has ruined the show... Just every story arc is now horrible and sad...
I respect that you can certify to Gretchen's mental stability and I hope you have gotten better, but it is what it is... that depression diagnostic made her unlikable and changed her characterization out of nowhere from being a comic and sympathetic douchebag to a whiny-ass chick just moping around and doing nothing more than talk through her teeth and... yeah, moping.
What she needs is for Sam Halton to insulto some sense into her and call her "bitch" one more time, because damn... Gretchen became boring. _______________________________________________
You know that even the Bible has plot holes, ¿right?
I totally agree with you.. the show is pretty much ruined at this point.. unless they figure a way to kill her off and move on in like 1 episode... its just dead...
Yea, the older generations are so much more stable. Back in the good old days when ignorance, xenophobia, racism, religious persecution, LGBT discrimination and persecution were all considered being "American". Maybe if the previous generation had some anti-depression meds when they were younger we wouldn't be balls deep in the Middle East and every other war we got ourselves sucked in to.
But you go ahead and have your little temper tantrum about how everyone else is a cry baby. Ironic.
You're just responding with nonsense like an average FOX viewer. Sorry but white people and Christians aren't being persecuted in this country, they're being stood up to. Big difference.
How am I being a thug, because I don't agree with you? And I did address your points, they're stereotypical conservative nonsense phrases. You sound like your average FOX viewer.
Yeah right, and he's the racist. I'm white and people don't have to "stand up" to me. I'm on everyone's side. But since I'm white I'm told that I'm inherently evil.
People around here just don't like nuanced comedies... I mean how much backstory can you have on this topic when you only get 22 min per ep. People were already getting mad at the screentime gretchen was getting. I can't imagine if they actually were able to really develop it. I think people are just mad that this story got too serious. I, however, enjoyed this storyline a lot, and it was very well done.
The show is, "You're the Worst." Not, "Oh, I see. You have a medical condition which leaves you depressed. And, you had a sh!tty childhood growing up with those miserable people. I guess you aren't all that bad really."
I thought the same thing... Jimmy was not even close to the worst in that scene with the redhead. Makin' a fort, kinda spooning her, showing [gulp] compassion. The nerve! "Worst" is irreverent and complex. This was just too cliché. Ah there it is!! "You're the Cliché"! Congrats on the mediocrity there, Falk!
I'm not sure how much worse he could've treated the bartender, however.
_____________ Move along! There's nothing to see here
Lol bro a show'S title isn't gospel. Don't take it so literally. You're the worst is a common phrase. It was used in parks and rec. It's tongue and cheek not literally you're an *beep* all the time bc you're a one dimensional character that has no depth. Go watch something else.
Yes, it is to be taken literally. Hence the title. Again, the entire first season the only one who we were to feel anything for was Edgar. Everyone else was cr*p and had very little redeeming qualities about them.
That was what made the show unlike the others out there. Not that they were partying all of the time, but you didn't have the scene where so-and-so explained that their behavior is a result of their mommy not loving them enough, and making a connection with the star of the show because their mommy died young and didn't get love from her.
Now we get to see why Jimmy is so bad - his family is trash, Gretchen - she's got the weepies, Lindsay - she just realized she never grew up.
As far as watching something else - I don't doubt that I will after next season, because if they keep this cr&p up it will get cancelled.
This show was nuanced as it was before they pull that depression crap, and something more annoying than a mental illness making a character unlikable is that said illness came out of nowhere, with no development or set up wahtsoever.
And is that, if Gretchen hogging screetime wasn't bad enough, the writers pull a magic, stupid illness without set up and as a starter excuse for her toxic behaviour, as if we needed one before. _______________________________________________
You know that even the Bible has plot holes, ¿right?
Completely agree. The "Worst" would have kicked her ass out BEFORE he left town and then went and had a celebratory weekend of shagging that rotten bartender... or is it shagging that bartender rotten? I get my britisms flung around sometimes, what?
The entire time she was bitching at him, I kept motioning toward the door... BYE! BYE! See ya! lol THAT'S THE WORST!
Look I don't mind character development, and serialized events, and moments of weakness that turn our hearts (awwww!), but this feels so contrived. As was said, this "illness" came out of nowhere... I didn't have time to care about whether or not she was depressed. So taken at face value, I can't care.
So I am proposing changing the name to "You're the Cliché" in light of Jimmy's 180 on being the worst.
Now, I can't seem to get this song outta my head. Anyone know the title? "I'm gonna leave you any-way. I'm gonna leave you any-way. I'm gonna leave you, anyway."
PS: This IS me showing support for the show, btw. I still like it, but... this last episode was missing something, for me anyway. Except Collette. Nice to see her getting more screen time. That whole hat thing she had goin' on. That weird little vet got him a keeper! (I do love his insane mini-cutaways tho! lolz)
_____________ Move along! There's nothing to see here
As if we're supposed to give a *beep* about people with mental illnesses who refuse to take care of themselves.
If she were some mentally disturbed homeless person with no family I could feel something for her. But she's a selfish, spoiled, immature azzhole who knows better, yet doesn't care.
That used to be the beauty of the show - we weren't supposed to care for them. But now it is, 'Boo-hoo, she's got mental issues. Boo-hoo, Jimmy's family are a bunch of douche-bags.'
I'm not gonna Google anything... be it just depression or clinical depression, the diagnose that moronic shïtty character came out of nowhere and with no foresahdowing or early set up. Asi if she wasn't a moping, boring, underdeveloped shïtty character enough, the writers give her an excuse to behave more boring and shïttier than usual _______________________________________________
You know that even the Bible has plot holes, ¿right?
I'm sorry, but after another diatribe from you in this thread that Gretchen's clinical depression came out of nowhere: I just finished watching the first season, so I don't entirely know what you're all talking about yet, but if Gretchen is clinically depressed, it didn't come out of nowhere. It was there, front and center, since the first episode of season one.
What? Did everyone think she was just a yuk-yuk girl and her attitude and worldview was her being comical? No, she has a whole lot of issues, and clinical depression doesn't surprise me one bit.
It sounds in here more like a bunch of whiners "awwwww, they made my comedy show more serious, waaaahhhhh! I don't wanna to see real people or have to think about anything, I just want to see dancing monkeys that make me laugh every week." Grow up.
ETA: Now, having watched the second season, I can say that my original post stands in its entirety. The second season was brilliant and far and away better than the first. Those who don't like the turn the show took -- if it actually took a turn at all -- should probably stick to network comedies that don't offer much in the way of actual characterizations. I, myself, can't wait for the third season. I love these characters with ALL of their idiosyncrasies.
Did everyone think she was just a yuk-yuk girl and her attitude and worldview was her being comical? No, she has a whole lot of issues, and clinical depression doesn't surprise me one bit.
So then Jimmy's attitude and worldview is also due to clinical depression? How about Lindsay's? Or Vernon's?
They all are horrific people just like Gretchen, so they all are clinically depressed as well, right?
What the complaint has been about is that in the first season they were unapologetic about it. Maybe they cut someone some slack, but usually they are still horrible and shallow about it.
That is what made it great. They didn't go the standard sitcom route of "Antagonist does something horrible to the protagonist. Protagonist confronts antagonist and gets antagonist to apologize. Antagonist also explains the issue they suffer from. Protagonist feels empathy for the protagonist and might even have a similar experience. Antagonist and protagonist get to know each other better and become closer."
We didn't need to see how horrible Jimmy's family was. We didn't need Gretchen to say she's depressed.
And, most especially, we don't need to have her whine on and on about how he can't "fix" her, but then he "fixes" her just by staying with her.
For those who were going on and on about how realistic it was - the battle with depression - that had to be an insult to them.
I honestly think it was, because right after they pulled that cr*p, those people stopped posting here about how "brilliant" it was.
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All those defending the depression angle clearly are effected with it personally and are relating. Be it themselves or someone they deal with. You can see the pure bias bleeding from all the posts saying it made the show better. Nobody is saying depression is bad, they are saying it hurt this show. And it did, a lot!
We didn't need to see how horrible Jimmy's family was. We didn't need Gretchen to say she's depressed.
We sure didn't! The fun was watching the people be awful, not WHY they are awful....
People can stop calling it character development, we can see through your defense that depression hits home. Doesn't make the show better just because it's personal
These people were nasty and it was fun. Season 2 was less fun. It ended on a great note and was a throw back to pilot and others, so that was cool. But the depression arc was brutal
Thank you. The horrible aspects of the characters made me cringe quite often, but it was nice to have that as opposed to the typical, "It is all wrapped up in 22 minutes" sitcom.