I was also surprised how much I got into it. I think the problem is that there is a large crop of people now who are used to formula horror, and people who actively seek out jump scares and/or gore. Movies that are subtle or build ambience in lieu of these things will not go down well with this group of people.
This film was not brilliant. I can easily point out some flaws, but I was still able to enjoy it even though I found the main character difficult to like (I like redemption arcs but his fell flat as there was nothing there) and his development rather sparse difficult to believe. Typically if I don't like the way a major character is written, I'm not going to stick around long, but somehow the actor sold it and I was curious about how the boy would be saved anyway.
The use of the [spoiler]injection-- an obvious Chekhov's gun[/spoiler] was predictable, though I will admit I was surprised by the Exorcist "homage" toward the end. The final scene irritated me a lot, though. [spoiler]This film would have stood a lot better on its own without a cynical attempt at turning it into sequel fodder.[/spoiler] That being said, it was still immersive enough, enjoyable, and not at all deserving of a measly 5.2 rating on imDb.