Am I the only one? Closure!
What happened to "Old Nick"? We see the arrest report on the TV, but anyone who knows the Castro kidnappings, Steven Stayner, etc., you just want to pronounce sentence right there and fire a .357 hollow point into the back the the kidnapper's throat. In the novel it mentions Nick is facing 25 years, but they do not show this in the film.
Yes, I understand the focus of the film is Jack and Ma, and Yes, I understand how they think it could send a message that someone could get their 15 minutes if they kidnap someone and it might glorify their actions by showing it on the news. But there is justice, and I think that people who harm other humans like this forfeit their rights to due process. They are a waste of oxygen to descent human beings, and a bullet cost less than a dollar, unlike prison or death row.
But this is the nation we live in. If he did go to prison, thank goodness for daily ass rapings and fistings for persons such as this.