MovieChat Forums > Sleeping with Other People (2015) Discussion > *spoiler?* was the ending a reshoot?

*spoiler?* was the ending a reshoot?

If you've seen the movie... There's a point where the movie seems to end, with all the characters true to themselves and the movie still filled with a kind of integrity. And then. Something happens, characters start acting unnaturally but very much in lockstep to romcom formula. It was still pretty funny but left a sour taste behind, when until then it was pretty delightful piffle. Was this tacked on, anyone know? Or was it in the original script?


I notice there was a spot around 80 minutes in when it just seemed to fade to black for a second - this may had been a good time to "end" it.


I don't know. But we definitely walked out thinking "that movie would have been much better without that tacked on ending." (Everything from the fistfight on, or at least from his phone conversation with her from the police station on...)

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Yes exactly! That's what we thought too!!


Hollywood often does things like this. Tack on a formula happy ending.
Most movies are better without the feel good endings.
Bad Santa had a terrible contrived studio tacked on ending

The best example of a film standing by the original script when the studio wanted a different ending was "Se7en". The. Actors stood firm and the result was a classic.


Test audiences must have said the original ending was bad, so they went ahead and tacked on the last 10 minutes or so. But that couldn't save this dog of a movie. Her hair was way different in the "wedding bit" - filmed at a different time to the rest of the movie. That is clear.

"But I have infinite tenderness for you. I always will. My whole life."


Her hair was way different in the "wedding bit" - filmed at a different time to the rest of the movie. That is clear.

Forgive me if I'm wrong b/c it's been a while since I've seen the film, but couldn't she have gotten her hair done for the wedding?


I did think the ending didn't really fit in with the rest of the movie. I thought it was ultimately sweet, but one of the defining scenes around 15 minutes to the end made me WTF at the movie.


It's an opinion, not a statement of fact nor a declaration of war on your existence. Relax.


I feel like someone wanted to make "Eternal Sunshine" but had to deal with a ton of douchebags along the way, so in the end we got this.


People who are happily married and happily in love like the movie as it is. People who are separated or in a pathological relationship (one of the two is married or worse) seem to prefer the non-happy ending. Well, I like the movie as it is. All you people, who do not like seeing happy people ending up together, you are pathetic in looking for an excuse for your own failures. Get over it, find love.


Whoa. Seriously? I thought the movie was fine (in fact I thought the movie was great until the last 15 minutes); I didn't realise it was a referendum on my relationship.

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


I didn't realise it was a referendum on my relationship.

What the person you are responding to fails to realize is that what he says is not backed by any actual evidence what so ever. He just thinks that b/c a thought popped into his head that it must be a universal truth.

One could just as easily say that people who crave happy endings in movies do so b/c they are unhappy and want to see happy things to cheer them up. It's fun not having to back up idiotic thoughts.


You're a lunatic. No one is saying they wanted a non happy ending. The ending they went with was far more pathological than having Jake and Lainey go their separate ways. Jake and Paula were doing great together and Lainey was pursuing her dream in med school. What exactly is unhappy with that?


I don't think the ending they went with was pathological, not any more or less than an alternate ending where they don't end up together. Both endings are valid and good and I can't really see either of them being inherently better than the other.

Though I personally am leaning towards agreeing with another commenter on here somewhere below me who says that because of all the chemistry between the two characters, it feels better and makes more sense for them to end up together. Anything else would probably have felt very anti-climactic for me. Maybe if the two had already hooked up at some point before the ending, I would be a little bit more on board with the idea of them breaking up at the end.


I personally think Jason Sudeikis has better chemistry with Amanda Peets and I also like the character of Paula better. I was disappointed at the ending.


People who are happily married and happily in love like the movie as it is. People who are separated or in a pathological relationship (one of the two is married or worse) seem to prefer the non-happy ending. Well, I like the movie as it is. All you people, who do not like seeing happy people ending up together, you are pathetic in looking for an excuse for your own failures. Get over it, find love.

I've been in a happy relationship for 4 years and I thought the ending was forced and kind of stupid. (rest of the movie was great).

Your theory was just destroyed. Please make more idiotic generalizations about people you know nothing about. You strike me as someone that doesn't realize how low their IQ is.

I could just as easily say that people who crave happy endings in movies do so b/c they are unhappy and want to see happy things to cheer them up. It's fun not having to back up idiotic thoughts.



i see what you mean... but i actually liked the ending. in this particular film the leads had such amazing chemistry/and the script and dialogue was so incredible that i absolutely fell in love with the characters and their relationship that for once i wanted the "they end up together and we see it" ending. i had to see them kiss, i had to hear them say i love you. to me, the cop station scene was adorable and touching---the way I would have changed the ending however is take out all the court BS.......and instead of seeing them walking to go get married, have them in a hotel room about to get married but having one last great sex scene between them.. it wouldnt have to be long, because that would ruin it, but just them in bed together finally doing it. still cliche i know, but i felt like wtf when they built up so much amazing sexual chemistry with them throughout the movie and we didnt get to see even like a 30 second stint of them in bed together lol

so yea the court stuff and her convo with Matt was a waste of time. and walking to get married and running off to have sex felt all fluffy and disconnected from the rest of the film, so i would have changed it to what i said. but i would have been bummed if they ended it when she moved and them not end up together. when a relationship is good, its good. they had somethinlg good. it would have been a waste. i dont need the over done indie film "abrupt ending" or "sad ending" just to make it more edgy, different or realistic to life. their chemistry was so good that it didnt feel like a forced or cliche happy ending, its def how it shuld have ended. where as there are lots of rom coms where im actually like eh.... would have been better if they actually didnt end up together.


Good points. I think I like your suggested ending better! :)

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.


You're right. I actually thought when they were saying goodbye at the U-Haul it had to be the end of the movie. They had fixed each other, there was some great dialogue. But I realized from the time counter on the DVD Player that it wasn't over yet. But then I also felt the same as you, that they had such great chemistry and the characters were so likable that I wanted to actually see them end up together.

I don't really get where people are so jaded they're saying this is a typical crappy rom com. It was honest, sharp witted, great dialogue, and they couldn't have cast those two together more perfectly. Their characters and relationship grew on me slowly, just as they grew on each other throughout the film.


Ditto!! To literally everything you just said.


Your ending would have been perfect!

But I still would have wanted that scene with the already married couple at the end, they were lovely.


LuciaJoyce says > f you've seen the movie... There's a point where the movie seems to end,...
I agree. I detected a distinct change in tone right around the point you described. I'm not sure what happened but I suspected the ending we saw was tacked on after the fact. Maybe audiences wanted a different or happier ending but what we saw felt disjointed and out of place.

The married couple bit was interesting to an extent but that also seemed completely out of place and unnecessary. And the part about them going off to have sex before the wedding may have been thrown in to keep the theme from going from overly raunchy to almost puritanical.

In any case, while I did not enjoy the premise of the movie, I did think the overall message pointed to there being a problem with all the casual sex. It is an empty pursuit and leads to unhappiness and strife and pain. I don't like how it was presented but ultimately getting to know someone for who they are, not for what they offer sexually, is what leads to growth, maturity, and satisfaction.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
