
Is it just me or is this movie amazingly...white male saturated? There is a distinct lack of color in the cast and the movie focuses on two white men mainly. There were a few women in there (Smith's own daughter being one of them) but the characters were nothing to write home about. Smith doesn't strike me as being a christian conservative, but this movie sure feels like it was directed by one.


As a white Englishman of "cockney" East London origin I was horrified to find that I could not relate to any of the characters. I am starting to notice an anti-cockney pattern
with all of K Smith films .I was horrified to find that the last real cockney in film was a guy called Dick Van Dyke in 1964 ,thats over 10 years ago guys !! Do the math !!

Please do not consider any Guy Ritchie actors as cockneys,they were all posh boys pretending .Dick Van Dyke was the last of the great cockney actors !! Boo to K Smith and boo to Hollywood cockney racism !


Why on Earth do you troll on different boards like this? Are you mentally challenged? Are you seven years old? Or are you just a nut job? Seriously, what is wrong with you?


Probably because China doesn't like black people.


This was a bad attempt at trolling. You suck



Oh man.. are you for real? So you think because a film has no coloreds in it that makes it racist? YOU are the racist for being so race obsessed. Get a life.


And every other movie EXCEPT this one is pinnipedophobic. Congrats to Tusk for showing some diversity and tolerance to the under-represented.

Objects under T-shirt are larger than they appear!



Were you trolling when you wrote that ? I mean, with a pseudonym like yours, it's hard not to think this way.

Britta : I don't think police should be heroes.
Annie : Britta, pay your rent.
