I think you answered your own question.
Education, not necessarily taking tests mind you, is the key to advancing our species. It's only through education that people truly free themselves from whatever barbaric or irrational tendencies we may have once had as a means of survival. I think as humans, as our brains evolved, we developed a need to explain the world around us. An intelligent person knows we don't know much, and does not purport that we do.
The reality is, you cannot disprove the existence of ghosts, demons, etc. but you also cannot prove their existence either. We're starting with a negative, and have no data with which we can reasonably test. I personally believe that ghosts, demons "exist" in the minds of people who are vulnerable enough to believe. Our minds are powerful, and people can truly convince themselves of anything. It's like when you lose your wallet, maybe at some point in your search you blamed someone else for stealing it. Is that irrational? Probably. You have no evidence they took it, and you end up finding it 5 minutes later. We ultimately choose to engage in irrational thoughts and behaviors, but there isn't exactly a mechanism that stops us from doing it. If there was, no one would believe in ghosts, demons, etc. and films like this wouldn't be based on "true stories."
There's this film called The Skeleton Key, which you may have heard of, which was unintentionally brilliant. Spoilers if you haven't seen it: the entire film is about coercing this relatively rational woman into believing in hoodoo witchcraft so that one of the two body snatchers and primary villains in the film can switch bodies with her, in an effort to escape death. When one body "ages out" so to speak, they hop to a new body. However, the person they "hop" into must believe this can happen before they can move forward with their plans. Ultimately the protagonist does choose to believe, and it is at this point that she is in a vulnerable position and her body is stolen from her. However, it wasn't until she believed it could happen...that it happened. Get it?