
No season 3 sadly


Terrible news. One of the best shows on tv. One of the best shows about adult relationships. I legit shed a tear. This is BS.


I was pretty stunned. This show can't cost hardly anything compared to GOT. I love the show. Great writing and acting and the show gets to me how realistic it is. Ridiculous!


Bummer! I was really liking Melanie and what she was doing with the character.


Well at least I can drop my HBO sub now.


What a bummer! Let me get this straight: A show about whiny millennials making bad decisions is renewed year after year.

An adult show about adults making difficult decisions gets canceled.



If you're referring to Girls, it's ending after another season. I do like Lena Dunham and her show but Togetherness and the Duplass brothers are far more brilliant. I know we're far into the age of reality TV but how in the living hell is The Bachelor/Bachelorette and Keeping Up With The Kardashians still around?? I know...our country is *beep* stupid :-/


There was a cable channel, Trio, that closed down in 2006. (Ironic, considering the rest of this post.)

Trio had a line-up named "Brilliant but Cancelled" that included programs like: Johnny Staccato; Kolchak: The Night Stalker; and Ernie Kovacs. All enormously influential series that broke the molds, but didn't last very long.

I can't fathom why shows like the Bachelor and Kardashians are still on. But here is a theory: People keep these shows on in the background while they do other things-- like texting and surfing the internet. Honestly, it takes so little of a person's mind to following these inane reality shows, I hope the people "watching" them are multi-tasking with something else.

I will say this about Girls. Although I don't like the characters, I think the show is carefully crafted and well-acted. But I like Togetherness because the characters are more realistic and I can relate to them.


nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the american people.

it's amazing to me that in this so called "golden age of television" with so many great scripted dramatic shows on cable there are also some of the worst and most popular shows ever created. 95% of "reality television" is overproduced schlock. just look at once great networks like the discovery channel or the history channel. the only thing i "discover" when i happen to flip past the discovery channel is more naked people trying to survive in jungles and history channel might as well just change it's name to the "alien & pawn channel" because it would be a much more apt description of the content they produce.


Very well written show with great characters bites the dust. Meanwhile HBO spends $$$ to make vanity Project Greeenlight and that turd of a movie The Leisure Class. Genius.


It's called "Paid Advertising". You can run a half-assed show for a long time if you sell advertising, which means you get a maximum of about 21 min. of show time out of a 30-min. slot. When you entire income depends on capturing a committed audience, willing to pay a ongoing subscription fee to essentially underwrite ALL the programs you either create yourself or pay for licenses to broadcast
someone else's content, the entire business model changes. As soon as Sundance Channel was sold, it switched from commercial-free (other than to promote their iwn shows) to full-on advertising breaks every 10 minutes. We immediately stopped watching it. Nothing drives me crazier than watching a decent 2+hr. movie turned into a marathon of 3+hrs. due to constant advertising interruptions of 3 mins or more. Ruins even the best pmovie!!


This is so insulting to HBO viewers. It is the best show on HBO currently and Amanda Peet is sensational. Very bad judgement to cancel this show.


My only hope is that Amazon picks it up. (Thankfully I have my sister's Amazon prime sign in). Jay Duplass is in Transparent (another brilliant show) and I wouldn't be surprised that the Duplass brothers would be pretty close to the people at Amazon. COME ON AMAZON!! Pick it up!! :(



The last two episodes have been amazing.

First Enlightened, now HBO drops the ball on this one too.

💣 ”Who's da bomb?!” - Captain Raymond Holt


Hopefully somebody (Amazon, Netflix, Showtime, FX, whoever) will pick this show up right away while the cast is still available! This series has too much heart to end this soon.

See my IMDb listing here:


what an awful decision. it's almost not even worth checking out these hbo shows when they dump them after 16 episodes. too bad this wasn't on amazon or netflix where they could have been given more time. so much better than alot more famous shows getting viewers right now.


This show is great. I agree, disappointing.
I think 3 seasons, at least, should be given.
I mean, they didn't write this season expecting to end it, right?
I hate when shows end without a solid conclusion. (Deadwood)
That's why I wait and watch so many shows years after they've been released.
Which, granted, doesn't help them stay on the air while they are currently being produced but ...


I guess I should expect the people on these boards to be big fans of the show, but I'm someone who thought Season 1 started out like gangbusters, and then faded. I think Season 2 is good enough for me to watch it, but not anything incredible. I think even last year, no one was watching this show, so I'm not all that surprised it was cancelled.

I used to watch "Girls," but quit at the start of Season 3. From what I've read, no one has watched that show in the last 2 years or so, but they gave Lena Dunham a graceful way of bowing out before canceling it.

They'll do that sometimes with certain people/shows. The best example of that on HBO is "The Newsroom." Because it was Aaron Sorkin, they renewed it after the first show of Season 1 after it got decent reviews. The show was horrible, and HBO soon realized no one was watching it. But they had already committed to a Season 2. As Season 2 was the same garbage as Season 1, they let him bow out gracefully with a Season 3 before pulling the plug.

It would have been nice to do that with Togetherness, but honestly, even if it moves to another platform, I won't be watching it anymore.
