Leaves on the trees

Even though snow is on the ground. Omaha must be a land of enchantment.


I caught that also, but one time in Ohio we had a freak snowstorm in October when all of the leaves were still on the trees.


I remember the original film “Gremlins” had that too. Maybe it’s a shortcut they could get away with in B&W.


They get that up in Calgary as well, it can snow any month of the year there.


Wow- I’ve never seen that. It must be beautiful.


Our Ohio snowstorm was spectacular, but it was a heavy, wet snow that stuck to everything and power was out for days. We had a huge limb come down and could't get out of our driveway until someone with a gas chainsaw could cut it up.

Fortunately we cook with gas and have a gas water heater and we were able to stay in rooms with fireplaces to keep warm. It was quite an adventure.


How many years ago was this?


Wow - a long time ago. I'll have to check and see if I can find any info on it.

Found it - "The freak, overnight snowstorm that hit 30 years ago – on Oct. 19, 1989 - was and still is the earliest measurable snowfall recorded in Cincinnati. It also was one of the most memorable snowstorms here.


That is amazing. Wonder with global warming if that would ever happen again.


Looks like they filmed in infra-red for some scenes.
