Muslims drinking Alcohol?

I liked the film but, I didn't get why the Turks who are Muslim were drinking booze? did I miss sumat do Turks drink Alcohol?

The reason you’re still alive is either no one wants you dead bad enough or my prices are too high


Turkey's always been pretty cool regarding booze. I must have drank gallons of raki during my stay.

This may help answer your question:

The Adventures of The Man With No Penis:


Thanks, I've never been to Turkey learn sumat new every day lol.

The reason you’re still alive is either no one wants you dead bad enough or my prices are too high


Oh, you mean not all Muslims act the same way? They aren't all extremists?

Seriously though, the people you saw drinking in this movie were all soldiers. Drinking may be the only thing they can do to lessen the pain of what they have done and seen during war.


Wow the start of that post was the thing that seemed a little extreme.

I should clarify I'm from the North of England where we have lots of people who happen to be Muslim. But they are mostly from Pakistan, Kashmir, Saudi regions and there for I have never met a Muslim who drinks alcohol apart from those who have openly stated they aren't 'strictly followers of the religion' and as I said I haven't ever been to Turkey.
I do however know a lot of Muslims who smoke weed, but my understanding of the Qur'an was that to drink fruit which has been fermented is haram.

The reason you’re still alive is either no one wants you dead bad enough or my prices are too high


Yep, some Muslims and some Turkish people who are also Muslim drink alcohol. I know Muslims and Turkish people who are also Muslim who eat pork. It's like they're capable of making individual choices or something.


Turkey is a secular country, we drink alcohol, our national drink is RAKI which is 45%. Women and men, people drink, not all people but I doubt all people drink anywhere... Well maybe they do in Russia.


Well, you'd drink too if you had to live in Russia, lol.



Especially muslims are drinking alcohol in Turkey.
Konya (a city in Turkey) is known as the most religious city of Turkey but yet, the most alcohol is consumed in there. Our muslims are kinda fake. They become muslims only when its necessary.


As a regular visitor to Turkey, I've found out that Turks are "Muslims" like the Irish are "Catholics". Very few are devout, but they'll pay lip service to it. They love a drink as well. I've seen Turks coming out of the Mosque and going over the road to a bar for a beer. Also leaving carrier bags with wine, raki or beer in outside while they do their cleansing ritual and go inside.


Exactly (:


Anatolia is the cradle of the such drinks..people doesn't chance so easily even if they change their religion.





Too bad for you to being a moron. Alcohol is not haram in Quran, if you consider.



I see no contradiction with your comments. You seem quite consistent and sane. My words was for that guy above talking about "taqqiya" (hypocrisy). I'm from Kurdish heritage and I'm quite familiar with these type of people watching any chance for exposing us as mentally and logically inconsistent.







that's another topic which you could apply any other religion and culture.





I don't "blame them" for anything they're not culpable of. The only blame I lay is upon religion itself and its cancerous nature in deluding the intellectually vulnerable -- the very purpose of these systems of mind control.

Tipping intensifies



Dude, you only got half of your nickname right. Not surprised tho, given what it should be.
