MovieChat Forums > Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) Discussion > Synder says if he had to recast BvS hed ...

Synder says if he had to recast BvS hed go with Christopher Reeve and Adam West

Zack Synder would cast Christopher Reeve and Adam West if he had to remake Batman v Superman without Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill #Batman #Superman #DCEU #batmanvsuperman #ZackSynder #DC #empiremagazine


That may be a little, um, hard to pull off…


Honestly, people give up at the first little hurdle these days...


Was this posted on April 1st?


Which makes COMPLETE SENSE given that both actors are most peoples 'go-to' choice for respective characters


If it was possible to get Reeve and West, both at the ages they were when they first played Superman and Batman, that would be fantastic. I've grown to loath superhero movies, but I'd definitely buy a ticket to see a movie with those two guys in the roles again.
