MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Anarchy (2014) Discussion > So this film wants us to believe...

So this film wants us to believe...

That rich people would hunt their fellow man for amusement and hack sick old men to death in their dining room with machetes, simply because they could? I've met quite a few rich families, and maybe I'm being naive, but I'm pretty sure that there was more than the lack of a "Purge" keeping them from turning into serial killers.
No doubt such a scenario would draw out a couple of sickos who happen to be wealthy, but this movie sets it up to seem as if the waitresses and average joes of the world are still normal, while the well-off have collectively and suddenly developed a sadistic bloodlust.


Crazy people are crazy, regardless of financial status


Exactly.. In fact 9 out of 10 rich people I've met have been really great people, couple big-shot aholes but you find them in all walks of life rich or poor, the rich just have more resources to exploit their twisted intentions or bad personality.. You see a rich guy walk in with secretaries and managing large numbers of people shouting and being a dick and it affects more people than the poor guy with the same attitude who can't really influence anyone very much. Rich people who spoil their kids are to blame, give your kids enough money to do something but not enough to do nothing - Warren Buffett

This movie is retarded political BS, and while I lean slightly to the left and chuckle whenever I see somebody say "liberal media bs" or something of that sort I can't help but nod in agreement to them with these Purge movies. Hard anti-democracy, 2nd Amendment, and glowing socialism aren't even subtle, they just unzip and slap you in the face with it. Yeah, Socialism or else Purge! Only two options! Stupid BS almost makes me mad... They did show both poor and rich being evil though, but it boils down to the big bad Government and ultra-rich being monsters, that's what stupid uninformed or young minds might take from this, and it's unsettling.

I really, really hope the mass-majority of people see these movies for stupid action entertainment (like me) and not for any realistic ideas or sentiments.


but it boils down to the big bad Government and ultra-rich being monsters, that's what stupid uninformed or young minds might take from this, and it's unsettling.
The race issue must've scared you away from also pointing out that the most morally bankrupt people in this movie were white as ghosts and most of the protagonists were compassionate, minority, do-gooders. Even the main character had purging on his mind, while that annoying hispanic girl cared for him more than anyone possibly could, after knowing him for all of 30 minutes.

But thats what these bleeding heart liberals are pushing. It's all in my bio.

Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is...


You really shouldn't expect anyone to take a single thing you say seriously with a signature of "Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is..."

It sounds more like it's actually you with an anti-race, anti-gay agenda, not the filmmakers and "gays"


You really shouldn't expect anyone to take a single thing you say seriously with a signature of "Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is..."
Is it wrong to hate the gay agenda which seeks to make children believe that homosexuality is normal, wholesome and natural? Don't answer that if you're a gay, because you're opinion will be based on self interest.

I'm actually defending gays by saying don't hate them, hate the movement that wants to brainwash the future of humanity. But seeing as how you misunderstand and boil it all down to me hating gays and minorities, while you stand oblivious, I won't take you seriously.

Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is...


You say homosexuality isn't normal, wholesome, and natural then say you don't hate gays which is completely contradictory.

The hating minorities part comes from you hating the portrayal of minorities as good people as if that couldn't be the case.

Your entire profile and comment in this thread are a call that efforts shouldn't be made to promote equality which is a horrible stance to take.

You being ignorant of your bigotry doesn't mean you aren't a bigot.


You say homosexuality isn't normal, wholesome, and natural then say you don't hate gays which is completely contradictory.
No, it's not. I don't necessarily hate things that aren't natural or wholesome, where does your brain get such nonsense? And as a person who believes in God, I don't hate people that indulge in sin. That's between them and God.

In fact, we're all sinners. The difference is that normally people are cognizant of them, where homosexuals want to rewrite morality, deny it as a sin and convince everyone that it's as perfectly natural and wholesome like heterosexuality.

The hating minorities part comes from you hating the portrayal of minorities as good people as if that couldn't be the case.
I only hate the agenda to demonize white people. Whites have been unfairly guilted in the United States for some time now. Not a one of us alive today has ever owned a slave and it's not like all other races are exempt from the guilt of enslaving people. You Liberals love to ignore the reality that even African's captured, owned and sold slaves a long time before the US was even a nation. Yet the modern narrative is all about white people, because that's the way you bleeding hearts like it. It's sexy and makes you feel good about yourselves, because you're social justice warriors and part of something.

Your entire profile and comment in this thread are a call that efforts shouldn't be made to promote equality which is a horrible stance to take.
That's your faulty perception. It's all about the inversion perversion, whereby what was up, is now down, what was wrong is now right.

Equality is fine, but what's happening is inequality in reverse. For example, how is the appeasement of transgenders, by allowing them to use the restroom of their choice, not robbing the majority of normal people of their right to only use a restroom with their own sex? Would I want to use the urinal if I've got a freakish trans woman standing beside me? Would I want my 9 year old daughter to go in a restroom with freakish old queen? These derogatory terms are fair because I've seen my share of cross dressing men and alot of them look disturbing.

Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is...


"I'm not a bigot"
"Would I want to use the urinal if I've got a freakish trans woman standing beside me?"

You should consider not immediately contradicting yourself.

The funniest part is the irony of thinking everyone else is brainwashed while getting many of your beliefs from the bible.


You should consider not immediately contradicting yourself.
Okay, let's examine the definition of "bigot".

Bigot: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

That doesn't define it well enough and leads us to what does tolerant mean, so let's see.

Tolerant: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

Oh goodness me... Please tell me, in what way did I say anything that implies I can't let gays or trans, for example, exist??? Did I say I'd terminate their lives or did I say that's between them and God?

C'mon, I know it can't be fun admitting you're wrong. From what I've seen other SJWs go through, it appears painful.

The funniest part is the irony of thinking everyone else is brainwashed while getting many of your beliefs from the bible.
The Bible is not a brainwashing. You can choose to believe or you can choose this was just an accident. In which case, you bleeding heart liberals are suffering wounded hearts in vain, because none of this matters.

We should just go around taking what we want and killing whoever challenges us, because when we're gone, why does it matter?

Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is...


Is it wrong to hate the gay agenda which seeks to make children believe that homosexuality is normal, wholesome and natural? Don't answer that if you're a gay, because you're opinion will be based on self interest.

I'm actually defending gays by saying don't hate them, hate the movement that wants to brainwash the future of humanity. But seeing as how you misunderstand and boil it all down to me hating gays and minorities, while you stand oblivious, I won't take you seriously. by Thought_Criminal_J62377

Could you please expound upon this "Gay Agenda" as you see it; edify me, if you would.

And your choice of language is somewhat telling; id est, that gays are not to be "hated." Why would you have to say that? Why would anyone hate someone for their sexual orientation, be that orientation by choice (which it isn't) or by birth (seems a tad more likely; for one thing, why would anyone "choose" a sexual orientation that automatically makes them a target for cruelty and loathing by a still significant and sizable portion of the population, an orientation which also increases the likelihood of bullying and violence and, subsequently, depression and suicide? If someone is not innately physically and emotionally attracted to a member of their own gender, then why-oh-why would they "decide" to mash their "sexy bits" together? Is it just to be spiteful toward heterosexuals, to willfully and wantonly destroy the institution of marriage, to rebel against their parents, or just because it was a full moon? And if it were a choice, wouldn't the thoroughly-scientifically-debunked "Conversion Therapy" have more than single digit success rates [if that]?).

I hate to break it to you, but homosexuality is both normal and natural ("natural" as in, "literally found in nature"). And "normal"? What does this word mean to you? Normal, as in it fits into the totality of your experiences and cosmopolitan lifestyle, as broad or (most likely) narrow as that might be? And as for "wholesome", I'd rather a child be raised by two loving, attentive parents regardless of their sex or sexuality. And it isn't as though homosexuality is going to lead to humanity "un-breeding" itself out of existence, we already have a tremendous superfluity of children, such that orphanages and temporary foster homes are overflowing and overwhelmed (and of course, underfunded). These children oftentimes grow up in abominable and horrific situations where they are far too often sexually abused or neglected, are simply "lost", or all too frequently transition from a foster care facility or orphanage to the penal system; so many having grown up in appalling circumstances with no one to care enough about them to teach them right-from-wrong or help them with their homework or show them what healthy love and affection look like. You wouldn't deny a child the chance at a normal, happy, healthy, productive life (where they would be a net benefit to society rather than a drain on the taxpayers' due to the costs of incarceration; in case pragmatism rules your reasoning rather than compassion) just because the prospective adoptive parents happen to be a married homosexual couple, would you? Good! I didn't think so, I knew that for someone who claims to care so much about children and what they're exposed you would NEVER deny a child the chance of being loved, to be happy and safe, even if the adoptive parents' names are Adam and Steve or Adrienne and Eve!

And as far as your statement
Don't answer [is it wrong to hate the gay agenda] if you're a gay, because you're opinion will be based on self interest.

Are the points that you're attempting to make not based on self-interest? On your own subjective belief system and the agenda that you yourself are pushing? That's a tad hypocritical, I'm sure you'll agree. Similarly, if your goal is to push your own agenda, and you don't want to leave it up to children to base their own beliefs on their own experiences, dealing with all sorts of people from all walks of life, while taking in various forms of media that portray all manner of lifestyles... aren't you attempting to do a bit of "brainwashing" of your own? Otherwise, what did you mean when you said that the "Gay Agenda" is trying to "brainwash the future of humanity"?

I know I trust my two teenage daughters (oh, did I forget to mention that I'm married to a woman and have two wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, incredibly artistic stepdaughters from my wife's first marriage? Whew! Glad I met your criteria for not being a *beep* maybe you thought I was trying to sneak one by you, but nope! And I'm from the South and still live here! AND I'm not a Democrat but an Independent! I own guns and I'm also a proponent of the Death Penalty! Alas, I'm also FOR a Woman's Right to Choose and I don't believe men should have much-of-a-damn-say in a woman's reproductive rights, nor do I believe that one should, even if they actually could, legislate morality. I'm a bit of a centrist, I subscribe to political gradualism for being how things actually get done here in the real world, I do tend toward Keynesian economics as Adam Smith's philosophy just hasn't keep up with the rapid growth, innovation, and increasing interconnectedness of our modern world [and we've ALL felt the devastating effects of the runaway deregulation begun in the 80's, and we've seen what laissez faire capitalism actually looks like] ... I'm a lot of things, and I grow and change just as our country, economy, society and culture, and the world as a whole, grows and changes [I'm not averse to new information, changing my mind, or admitting when I've been wrong on an issue].
One thing that has not changed is my opinion that, "You judge a society by how it treats its most vulnerable, helpless and defenseless, and marginalized members." But enough about me! I just wanted to make sure that you didn't invalidate my opinions and views on homosexuality by being homosexual myself... for all the sense that makes...).

I'm actually defending gays by saying don't hate them

No, you're really not. If you were actually "defending gays", (you really wouldn't need to say that, as it would be apparent from the content of what you had actually written; but I'll play along) you'd say something more along the lines of: "Treat them like you would any other person" or "Don't judge someone according to whom they love, how you treat them is based on the content of their character and their actions toward others" or "It's really none of my f'ing business what people do, so long as it isn't actually hurting others" (and yes, it seems that you think that their lifestyles are hurting people, specifically children and those who are now unable to stay in or enjoy their heterosexual marriages because homosexuals now have the same right to marry as everyone else and it is diluting the purity of marriage... which, I'm sorry, I've tried to avoid ad hominem attacks and making assumptions as much as possible so I have just stuck to being a sarcastic prick, but that is one of the bug-*beep*-stupidest things I've ever heard in this whole Marriage Equality "debate". And no, you mightn't have said it in this particular thread, but I'll take it for a moral certainty that you've said it elsewhere or in the past...). Anyway, something along those lines would be close to "defending gays" but my guess is, they really don't need nor want your support, they merely need you not to be standing in opposition to them, no matter how passive-aggressively your stance is.

The mere fact that you had to include this disclaimer shows that you realise that you are not, in fact, defending "them" (and "them" as they are as diverse a group as any other in this country, it's like assuming that Al Sharpton speaks for all Black Americans. It's simplistic and wrong-headed.) You just, for some reason, felt the need to insulate yourself against criticisms of being close-minded, and wanted to be able to point to a spurious example of how open-minded, caring and truly Christian you are. It's almost like you already know that you're on the wrong side on history on this one....

Now, had you brought up interracial relationships and marriages, you would've enjoy my support 100%! Whites should never, ever, NEVEREVER dilute their pure, superior European blood with that of Pacific-Islanders**, Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs and Persians, or Orientals (and more or less in that order). It is disgusting and it is a deliberate attempt to poison the gene pool with inferior genetics and the maladaptive cultures from whence these people came. It disgusts and enrages me to know that our beautiful blue-eyed, blonde-haired, fair-skinned sons and daughters are an endangered species; being systematically bred out of existence, and all to advance an agenda of some kind. This we must put a stop to before it is too late (though sadly, it may already be... too late). I think we can all pinpoint exactly when this aberrant bahaviour began to become normalised and accepted, and we have Bill Shatner's Captain James T. Kirk and Lt. Uhura to thank. A 1968 episode of Star Trek featured the first interracial kiss to be broadcast on American television. Now, the inter-species kisses and Kirk's bedding of a bevy of curvaceous green skinned women I have no problem with, but a White Earth man and a Black Earth woman? No! And surprise surprise, society has been going to hell ever since....

**As my grandfather always said, "The only good Samoan is a dead Samoan."

something terribly clever.


Could you please expound upon this "Gay Agenda" as you see it; edify me, if you would.
This statement is inherently condescending, but I'll "edify" you, as you wish. There is an agenda, whether you like it or not, that advocates the cultural acceptance and normalization of homosexuality. If you can't see that, you're blind!

And your choice of language is somewhat telling; id est, that gays are not to be "hated." Why would you have to say that?
Because, all of you liberal sheep accuse us sensible people of hating gays and can't imagine separating that from disapproval of the agenda. I don't hate gays in the least! There choices are between them and God and not for me to judge, as I wouldn't want anyone to judge me for my sins, of which I'm guilty. I've been accused hating gays over and over on IMDb, which seems to attract highly liberal, synthetic, artsy types, more than real, organic people. So that's why I had that signature. Trying to preemptively clarify that I don't hate gays, but oppose the agenda, you see?

Why would anyone hate someone for their sexual orientation, be that orientation by choice (which it isn't) or by birth (seems a tad more likely; for one thing, why would anyone "choose" a sexual orientation that automatically makes them a target for cruelty and loathing by a still significant and sizable portion of the population, an orientation which also increases the likelihood of bullying and violence and, subsequently, depression and suicide?
Do people choose to engage in sex? Answer here [ ]... given your inevitable answer, homosexuality then, is a choice! I'll also add that today it's quite the opposite, in that the youth actually finds it rewarding to identify as gay. It makes them edgy, interesting and anti-establishment.

I hate to break it to you, but homosexuality is both normal and natural ("natural" as in, "literally found in nature").
That's incredibly silly point to make, because by implication you're now saying that all things found in nature are acceptable and even presumably good. Is rape, murder(even of your rivals children), cannibalism(even of your own offspring) and incest acceptable? They are, after all, "literally found in nature" don't forget. As we both have to agree, not everything found in nature is wholesome, right or as was intended by our creator.

And as for "wholesome", I'd rather a child be raised by two loving, attentive parents regardless of their sex or sexuality. And it isn't as though homosexuality is going to lead to humanity "un-breeding" itself out of existence, we already have a tremendous superfluity of children, such that orphanages and temporary foster homes are overflowing and overwhelmed (and of course, underfunded). These children oftentimes grow up in abominable and horrific situations where they are far too often sexually abused or neglected, are simply "lost", or all too frequently transition from a foster care facility or orphanage to the penal system; so many having grown up in appalling circumstances with no one to care enough about them to teach them right-from-wrong or help them with their homework or show them what healthy love and affection look like. You wouldn't deny a child the chance at a normal, happy, healthy, productive life (where they would be a net benefit to society rather than a drain on the taxpayers' due to the costs of incarceration; in case pragmatism rules your reasoning rather than compassion) just because the prospective adoptive parents happen to be a married homosexual couple, would you? Good! I didn't think so, I knew that for someone who claims to care so much about children and what they're exposed you would NEVER deny a child the chance of being loved, to be happy and safe, even if the adoptive parents' names are Adam and Steve or Adrienne and Eve!
And as far as the rest goes, you're drawing ridiculous conclusions to support your position. Like implying that homosexuals aren't capable of child abuse. I don't have time to pick all this apart, but it's begging to be.

My Crime Is Prohibited Thought, My Oppressors Are Bleeding Heart Liberals


... we wouldn't want your straw man to catch fire....

something terribly clever.


The worst part of all that is that I'm pretty convinced that this moron (Thought_Criminal_J62377) doesn't even realize how nonsensuous, hypocritical, deragatory, HIGHLY homophobic and FUCKING RETARDED what he said sounds.

I know that I'm probably commenting for nothing since the post is 3 years old and that obviously that user is an ex-Imdb user who isn't subscribed on Moviechat (unless he has another username or I just never met him on this website). However, for some reason, I really felt the need to point that out because, to be honest, I rarely met someone THAT delusional. This is the kind of Christian who REALLY give Christians a bad name. Thankfully, not all Christians are like that. I know Christian who are great people and who don't have this kind of ignorant mindset.


Rich people are great and nice because they have more things to lose, if they are broke or poor they won't be so nice. At least most of the times.


Grab a dictionary and look up the word 'satire'.


I highly doubt it was meant to be satire. Most movies have liberal messages, such as rich = evil.


Ummm... It's absolutely satire.


satire: "The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices."


I don't think it's just the rich that purge. Also prisons are filled with people who commit violent crazy things. Imagine a night they could do it for free



If people already commit all kinds of maniacal things, imagine with a free pass...


To be fair, the "hunting the most dangerous game" trope is fairly popular across most media. It's been done in films, TV shows, books, comics, video games, etc.

Let a little insanity into your life.


Jean Claude Van Damme went through this in "HARD TARGET".

Not ALL rich people do it, but lets face it. When you have the power to do something, more often then not you will do it just because you can.

A lot of rich people DO think they are better then you.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."


It isn't just 'rich' people who hunt their fellow men - the subtext is that these rich people are white, privileged (code for Republican) people who must hate black/poor people. They steal money from the poor to get richer (remember that dumb rant in the beginning) and then go out and work with the current government (led by other rich, white privileged people, not the good, hard working black folks who are just trying to get by every day).

It isn't about rich folks, it's about rich, white, Republicans who will do this. The rich, white Progressives try to help the poor, and the blacks simply will fight the oppression of the bad whites.

Unfortunately for the writers/producers of this movie, the reality is the blacks in inner cities are already Purging, killing other poor, black folks who can't hide in guarded high-rises and gated communities.


I also thought it was just like Hard Target with Jean Claude.

real human being and a real hero


It isn't about rich folks, it's about rich, white, Republicans who will do this. The rich, white Progressives try to help the poor, and the blacks simply will fight the oppression of the bad whites.
The lack of noble capitalists (as it were) is disturbing, but on the other hand these would likely be the kind of people who wait a long time before making their move, since it'd be their peers whom they'd be fighting and they risk not having their efforts being appreciated at all by less fortunate people.


That's a really good summation of how things are right now. The Purge franchise brings up some interesting perspective and not so subtle social messages, but for its flaws, provides good fodder for discussion.

"Neckbeards hate and ruin everything."


I don't mind movies being about class conflict but in this one it was just horribly done.

The first movie, although it wasn't the whole point, was better at it. It was subtle, dealt with the fear, jealousy, indifference, there is between the rich and the poor. Here it was just over the top. Evil rich white families pay lumpen proles to get a chance at hunting or hacking with machetes the poor, come on...

Going outside allowed to explore more of the concept, but it left less room for complex relations. Yet somehow it seems they were ashamed of doing a sequel that was just a popcorn movie. They should not, I enjoyed the movie for what it was, not for what it was pretending to be.


The first movie, although it wasn't the whole point, was better at it. It was subtle, dealt with the fear, jealousy, indifference, there is between the rich and the poor. Here it was just over the top. Evil rich white families pay to get a chance at hunting or hacking with machetes the poor, come on...

Going outside allowed to explore more of the concept, but it left less room for complex relations. Yet somehow it seems they were ashamed of doing a sequel that was just a popcorn movie

My sentiments, exactly.. Loved the 1st film for its subtlety and (a bit) claustrophobic effect.. This one was more of franchise expanding thing. More of the said topics are explored too (eg how he Purge effects more classes of a society than one well-to-do neighborhood). It was a nice watch, both of them. (maybe i wasn't expecting much, but both movies fairly surprised me, again, esp the first)

