Spoiler Alert!
1. This is open to interpretation but I don't believe they did and here is why not.... First, she is pregnant and clearly states that she is not leaving Jack. Second, the synopsis (although not the movie) explains that it was a six year relationship, hence the final scene is most likely the end of this time. The final determining factor I will discuss more in answer to your third question. Note that this ending is left open intentionally in order to get people to discuss it much like Martha, Marcy, May, Marlene and other films which leaves the audience to decide.
2. Yes, it was the same boy and same girl in the same universe throughout the movie. Not only did they make this clear by explicitly stating it at the beginning of the film but they did nothing to detract from this fact anywhere during the movie.
3. No, it really happened. To get into this I need to give my interpretation of the film which may or may not be right - your own interpretation is equally as valid but mine offers many clear answers.... I believe the "parallel universe" is an analogy for Dell's love for Kim, or at least his perception of their relationship. The two suns might represent the two people in the relationship. I would have to watch it again to see if there was meaning to their rising and setting and the meaning of the comets but Dell offers "comet" as his favorite word maybe because their relationship is precious to him and began with the comet.
They also spoke of it being a dream at the beginning and again at the end of the movie which tells me that the feelings he had did not seem real, much in the way love can be both magical and disorienting. Dell's actual dream that he had at the end is preparing him to accept that the relationship is truly coming to a close. His dream told him that when he went to kiss her that he would wake up. It wasn't whether or not they kissed and whether or not they did or didn't get back together but that Dell chose to "wake up" by ending the relationship. That's why he paused so long before trying to kiss her - to emotionally prepare himself to say goodbye.
You may disagree that it was HIS perception of the relationship and not HERS or THEIRS and maybe it seems different from a woman's perspective but I think I can answer that. HE was the one who had the dream at the end. HE was the one who had issues connecting to people and was questioning love.
I agree that it was beautifully done and very engaging and I look forward to seeing it again to assess my own evaluation of its meaning further.