How did they get all that infrastructure on the moon and Mars bases? All that reinforced concrete and steel facilities. I guess they brought the concrete and steel plants with them when they came.
shareHow did they get all that infrastructure on the moon and Mars bases? All that reinforced concrete and steel facilities. I guess they brought the concrete and steel plants with them when they came.
shareThat's your criticism? You might go back and read some of Gerard K. O'Neil's books about space colonization ... they had detailed long terms plans for how to do this since the 1970's. The moon has minerals of its own, and plenty of solar power - 10 times what we receive on the surface of Earth.
If you want people to move to the moon to live you have to give them a familiar comfortable environment.
Movie made in 2019 should pay heed to the actual plans. They involve organic-looking drone-built anthill-resembling dwellings, not concrete depots.
shareDo you have any links to what you are talking about?
sharePlus, if they ever build permanent Moon bases, as was recently presented by certain Japanese architects, they might make them as domes with spinning mechanisms to produce artificial gravity by centrifuge, because the paltry Moon gravity yields harmful long-term effects on human health.
This film shows people have made it to Neptune, but you can't buy that a few ships carried concrete over to the Moon?
shareScience fiction … fiction means not real