Abismal movie

It's a shame to see K.R. act in such garbage.
The only things noteworthy were 3 nice cars and a couple of cute dogs.
The other 100 minutes were filled with a shallow and utterly unrealistic plot and boring action.
1/10 (and that's because I like dogs).
See Eastern promise if you want a 1/2 decent flick.


It wasn't realistic, it was kind of cheesy, and it was a fun, enjoyable movie if you're not gonna be a little bitch about it being unrealistic and cheesy. This movie absolutely does not deserve a 1/10 rating; idk why people get so upset about movies lol. 6/10, pretty good for an action movie.


Eastern Promises was plodding, obvious, corny, and I made it through about 5 minutes less of it than I did A History of Violence before giving up, which was surprising because I thought nothing on Earth could be more obnoxious than that child's acting, and Cronenberg's directing.

It isn't about "I like action, and don't like slow burners". They are just rubbish, bad-direction and acting masquerading as style, artificial, predictable, corny and very, very crap.

If you are going to say this film is rubbish, see this film because it is 'better', or 'smarter' or some other crap, at least make sure it is a decent film. Not some crap from some oh-so-cool. name-drop director that wishes he had an ounce of David Lynch's ability, and who should have quit with Videodrome, or the Fly, ie in the 80's.

At least suggest a film that has ANY similarity to the film in question, that would be a great start.



Those seven years of MacGyver finally payed off


The only "abysmal" thing here is your spelling. 


Even if his spelling is wrong...he's still right.


Maybe we can get you some Pepto-Abismol to make you feel better...



This film was cartoonishly stupid. Example? Wick can kill 100 people with one shot, yet he can't kill a guy running in a towel with 10 shots. I don't think so.

"Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier 'n puttin' it back in." -- Will Rogers
