MovieChat Forums > Coherence (2014) Discussion > Movies where characters act irraitonally

Movies where characters act irraitonally

*Spoilers obviously*
I understand that there was a violent alcoholic in the group but wtf. Why would you want to kill/harm your doppelganger!? You're basically the same person. Since it's a crazy situation, paranoia might have seeped in; sure. But the actions of the characters just didn't make sense. If you knew that there was another version of yourself from another dimension, you wouldn't try to hurt them at all. I don't get this movie logic.


Some of them were going on the "Coherence" theory based from the physics book (Schroedinger's Cat) that only one version of themselves would survive the comet's passing. They also mentioned "Decoherence" was possible, in that separate realities might remain separate after the comet goes. But some, Mike in particular, didn't want to take a chance that Coherence would happen and he'd be the Mike not selected.


Thanks for your reply.
That makes sense but if this happened in reality, I really don't think people could hurt the other version of themselves. I just find plot line like this a bit hard to believe. personal opinion only, of course.


the point is that we are all selfish, he sees the other version of himself as a different person, so in his mind, he is the version that should prevail.

"The very essence of instinct is that it's followed independently of reason."

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."


An excellent response, carl.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Maybe you wouldn't, neither would I. But look at the world we live in, people murder their own children, so why not themselves? People panic and overreact in all sorts of ways. A guy who is an alcoholic wanting to kill a duplicate of himself? Not as crazy as real life can often be.


Tue Problem here is defenitly that the authors went on the plot-driven Story and missed to makes the figures "characters" if they were on to kill each other they would have been portrayed as psychopats or crazy people in the first place. Since the point they went on Killing the doppelganger as first reaction, the movie didnt work for me anymore.


EXACTLY!! If I saw myself, the first thing I would think is that is my new best friend. I would go out of my way to cooperate.

But I think this is the point. The original characters were bad people, and there first instinct was to harm the others, and assume the worst. This may not have been true for their counterparts in the other realities. There was a line, "what if we are the evil ones".
