MovieChat Forums > Vivek Ramaswamy (2019) Discussion > Do You Think Vivek Is Likely To Be an Op...

Do You Think Vivek Is Likely To Be an Option For Trump...

As a running mate/Vice President? 🤞


He is way too smart for Trump. But I also think that the Trump crowd
would be put off by VR.

It sure will not be Mike Pence.

Trump is so toxic I'd be surprised if he could even get Roseanne Barr.


You're such a butthurt liberal having to endure Trump steamrolling Iowa tonight, that you'll stop at nothing to show how butthurt you are and this is just a taste of it.. Get over it and get used to it: Joe Biden has ruined America and his abysmal Poll numbers reflect this, not just from FOX, but from CNN, MSLSD, er, I mean, MSDNC etc and they don't lie.. If the election were tomorrow, Trump wins this..


He got like 3 votes in Iowa. What’s the benefit to Trump?


1,215 delegates needed to win the nomination.

Ron DeSantis 23,128 votes 21% Gained 8 delegates

Nikki Haley 20,789 votes 19% Gained 7 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy 8,346 votes 8% Gained 3 delegates

Total non-Trump delegates 18


Donald Trump 55,726 votes 51% Gained 20 delegates


Trump got just over half the delegates. That's not really so great.


I'm thinking he didn't get a lot of votes because he didn't have the financing for his campaign that other candidates do plus many of his supporters went to Trump because Trump said that a vote for Vivek is a wasted vote because it's pretty certain that Vivek is not going to be a front runner here. The reason I think he could be his running mate is they seem to like each other, be like minded, anti establishment and America first. They're also not career politicians 👍.


If Trump dies before completing his second term, Vivek would be the one to best continue his legacy.
