MovieChat Forums > The One I Love (2014) Discussion > The ending explained & why I see only on...

The ending explained & why I see only one answer...

[EDITED: December 2016]

Who is the final Sophie - is it S1 or S2?

The movie is really quite clear except for the final bacon scene which is clearly here to put doubt on who she is. A cheap shot by the director, but a clever cheap shot.

To figure out who "escaped", I think we need to look in to who these two girls really are, and what drives them through the whole movie. This is the smoking gun...

The problem is though that we don't really know S2 and what drives her. What was her ambition, her game and her goal?

She is in character through most of the movie and the little we see of her true personality seems quite bitchy and superficial. Even E2 did not dig her anymore. She seemed hell bent on destroying what was brewing between E2 and S1, and E1 and afterlife with him was not very much on her agenda, if at all.

She never really flirted or otherwise tried and lure E1 into her web. If anything, she was the reason it all went wrong.

So if we forget the ending and only see who S1 and S2 really are, then who would we guess would escape and live happily ever after with E1 in the end?

S1 wanted bliss and love and to rekindle what they once had, and she did love E – despite his infidelity and their relational problems. Indeed she fell hard for E2, but not who E2 actually was. She fell for a dream of who E1 could be. This is important to understand what drove S1.

As the culmination gets nearer, we all see a bit more of who E2 and S2 are. And once E2 says “*beep* you all” and runs away from both his ladies, and after E1 delivered his heartfelt and breakthrough speech, to me it seem clear that the movie tells us how S1 got what she ultimately hoped for from the “therapy”. She got her E1 back at that very moment and she (and we) realized in those final moments that E2 was a fake dick.

So what did S1 want? She wanted E... not a fake E, but the real E like he once was. In the end of the movie this is what she got. And E2 had ironically become the fake and the untrustworthy.... he had become the like one she was originally escaping from and E1 had become he she was dreaming abut (and I think this is the brilliancy of the movie).

It is commonly misunderstood that S1 fell for E2.

S1 never fell for who E2 actually was. He was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end. S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet.... think about it for a moment; what finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1... She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and did not know better. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1. S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was.

So what did S2 want? Well, the movie is not very clear on this except she seemed hell-bent on E2 despite all his crap. And S2 is the only one who knows who and what E2 really is. She specifically says that she does not want to leave E2 or see another take him away. All her actions until the very end supports this mission. Nothing in the movie showed us any interest or affection towards E1.

Ultimately her motivation was never to take over S1’s life and be with E1 for the rest of her life living it out as a fake, as someone else. Which the movie then would imply! It simply goes against the S2 we are presented for. She is a no-nonsense kind of gal.

& what did E1 want? He wanted S1. He was in love with S1 and was not fooled by S2 and her acting. He saw right through her and very quickly. Through most of the movie he was adamant on pursuing S1, and only her. She was his end goal. The One He Loves. So if the final Sophie was in fact S2, it goes completely against his character to just accept her as though she was S1. And he should have smelled he deceit sooner, like he did at the resort. He was no fool.

... Okay, now let’s add the bacon ending... and this obviously confuses everything. Who is this loving S we experience in the epilogue?

IMO this movie only has one loving S and that was S1. A better ending to manifest that the “wrong S” had escaped would be to let her go down for breakfast and he would just hear the front door slamming....

So the way I see it is: The bacon scene tells us that S1 didn't want to change him anymore and that she accepted who he was or rather who he had become. They were now in sync, like a piano (the metaphor specifically used by Sam Malone earlier).

Also, why would S2 at all be flirted in the end like that...
she was no longer needed to act.
she was no longer required to be fake.
she could be who she actually was.
... And yet she completely “acted" like S1 for no good reason – other than of course if she in fact was S1.

So when the ending supposedly reduces S2 to a fake shadow of someone else entirely, I think it actually doesn’t. Sophie wanted love from Ethan. Ethan wanted love from Sophie. S2 was not hoping to take over the life of Sophie and she was in love with whoever E2 actually was and did not want to loose him. She surely did not want to win Ethan

IMO the essence of the movie is in E1’s heartfelt speech at the end. We should accept and even cherish our own flaws, warts and all, and those of our partners. In those imperfections we become the humans we are. In the end they both changed - he as well as her. It is most evident of his change at his speech and her at the final bacon scene.

The one S1 loves is E1. The one E1 loves is S1.


And taken the opposite conclusion a wee bit further (If S2 left), then what is the film teaching us❓ Basically that all was in vain.... that his final speech is pointless... that their realizations during the film is lost... that despite E2 being a selfish dick, S1 still wanted him... that S1 did not want E1 because he was distant, and then she chooses E2 after she learns he is even more distant... that S1 ignores the fact that E2 had changed... that E1 ends up with a girl he does not know... that E1 ends up with a girl that doesn't want him... that E1 ends up with a girl even we the viewers have no real idea about... The final sweet scene in the bed becomes even more sad, because it is then shrouded in deceit...perhaps all this was the intention of the movie, but I doubt it.


PS: I also read that the fact that E2 could not leave was because they had not broken up the relationship in those final moments. If so, why could S2 then leave seconds after? She couldn't either, and she knew. The S standing next to E2 in the end was far from happy. She knows she is where she was in the beginning and had not progressed at all, however S1 is finally now where she hoped to be, next to her loving husband.

PS 2: Someone else spotted another hint in the final bacon scene: E1 is now wearing the t-shirt E2 was wearing when S1 fell hard for him earlier. This T-shirt represents how E1 now is also changed - parallel to how the bacon thing shows us S1 had. Simply put, the T-shirt is the filmmakers way of subtly showing us that he too had changed.

PS 3: I have only ONE problem with my explanation. And that is the facial expression of Ethan when he hears the bacon thing. He does not seem loved, he seem bewildered. But of course he had not read my OP at that point in time... :-) Anyway, a contributory way to analyse this facial expression is to see it as sign that Ethan at that moment realized that the whole insane and awful retreat experience had worked and impacted them both in a positive way. Until then he considered the whole thing as plain wrong and borderline evil. Perhaps he sort of acknowledged that Sam Malone's wacky experiment had borne fruit and was in fact just what the "the doctor ordered".... such a realization should be expressed in a set of mixed emotions, and maybe this is what we see in his eyes in the end... at least, from that point of view it all fits nicely 

Am I wrong?

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


I watched this today and am still thinking about it. I'm going to re-watch it tonight to clarify my thoughts regarding the ending, but at this stage I also think he leaves with S1. I think S2 is on the right in the driveway scene, and the reason she looks so miserable in the twin shot is that she realises she's going to be trapped there with E2, whom she loves, but she knows does not love her.

Most convincing for me though is the fact that in trailer, the words 'The One I Love' appear OVER FOOTAGE OF THE SMILING SOPHIE on the left (who I am presuming to be S1). This seems to me like a deliberate hint by the director that she is the Sophie that E1 loves, and since she is the one he leaves with, I think the original couple are together at the end. It's wonderfully ambigous though.


I think S2 is on the right in the driveway scene, and the reason she looks so miserable in the twin shot is that she realities she's going to be trapped there with E2, whom she loves, but she knows does not love her.
I agree with you but in a way this argument could be used for both as E2 had just showed he did not care for neither of them really. Another thread asked what her motivation was. And this really hits the nail to the coffin imo. S2 says how she loves the fool and would rather stay with him than to let S1 take him... so if she then leaves she is either lying or she changed her mind. We will never know. But whatever that may be, I am quite sure her motivation was never to take over S1’s life and be with E1 for the rest of her life living it out as a fake. Which the movie then implies, doesn’t it? It simply goes against the S2 we are presented for. She is a no-nonsense kind of gal. So when the ending supposedly reduces her to a blabbering fake shadow of someone else entirely, I think it actually doesn’t . Either we have S1 in the end or there is some other cosmic explanation. It is not the S2 we got to know.

And also what is S1's motivation? Well she seeks love, she seeks to repair her marriage. In fact, I think the movie shows us her motivation was always Ethan. S1 never fell for who E2 actually was. He was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end. S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet. What finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1. She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and was none the wiser of the whole setup. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1. S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was.

IMO the final speech convinced her that E1 got his breakthrough and her facial expression of relief and joy at those moments convinced me she finally saw how she got her husband back. Otherwise, I dare say, she is unbelievably naive.

The one S1 loves is E1. The one E1 loves is S1.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **



The one S1 loves is E1. The one E1 loves is S1.

I agree completely, and this is why I think the 'explanation' to the film's ending was with us from the very beginning, with the title in the trailer deliberately placed over the footage of what I believe to be the smiling S1.

On my second viewing I payed special attention to S1's face when E1 was giving his last-ditch-effort speech in the bedroom. Everything about her response tells me he won her back in that moment. E2's selfishness shortly after serves to illustrate his 'fakeness' and, to me, completely eliminates the possibility that S1 would have stayed with him. S2 on the other hand, would have, because when you love someone you do so despite their faults.

Furthermore, E1s reaction to the bacon breakfast at the end is not one of horror or outrage, as you would expect it to be if he realised he had just been duped by S2, but rather some initial panic/confusion and then what I interpret to be pleasant surprise. If the film had run for 2 more minutes I picture him walking into the kitchen and seeing S1 with a cheeky smile on her face. But of course we will never know for sure, and therein lies the brilliance.


I agree. they both changed and become the ones they wanted to love. its E1 &S1 at the end. beautiful movie


I did not read the whole discussion, I'd just like to add my opinion.
For me the definitive moment near the end, where E1 says they have to leave and looks at the two Sophies. I think S1 was ashamed, for falling for E2 and also kind of sad knowing that E1 wouldn't be able to tell her apart from S2, like he wasn't able to recognize her and her needs during their marriage, so she couldn't look E1 in the eyes, while S2 confidently smiled, seeing E2 for what he really was and wanting to leave. For me, the very last scene was only a confirmation of what I have been suspecting.



I think S1 was ashamed, for falling for E2
Perhaps, but she shouldn’t be. She never actually fell for who E2 was. She fell for who she hoped E1 could be. E2 was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end. S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet. What finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1. She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and was none the wiser of the whole setup. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1. S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was.... and if so, I find it very very hard to believe she would just give up on it all at that moment like you indicate. Especially when both of the Sophies just one moment before seemed quite balanced (I thinking about the moment when to walk down to the fallen E2 – none of them seem out of it). My take is that S2 looks down because she knows it is that time to part and let the couple flee... simply.

...and also kind of sad knowing that E1 wouldn't be able to tell her apart from S2
But this is not the case though. E1 caught on almost immediately that S2 was in fact not the Sophie he loved. And imo he was also not fooled that last time. Actually the Sophie looking down has zero eye contact so there is really no time for her to conclude he did not recognize her. The Sophie looked down as she knew her part was over.

... like he wasn't able to recognize her and her needs during their marriage, so she couldn't look E1 in the eyes ...
IMO the essence of the movie is in E1’s heartfelt speech at the end. We should accept and even cherish our own flaws, warts and all, of our partners. In those imperfections we become the humans we are. In the end they both changed - he as well as her. It is most evident of his change at his speech and her at the final bacon scene.

For me, the very last scene was only a confirmation of what I have been suspecting.
For me, the last scene sheds some doubt to what the movie had otherwise been clear about until then. Upon further reflection it doesn’t, and as someone else said; this is the brilliance of the movie.

Also if you take your conclusion one step further: If S2 left, then what is the film teaching us? Basically that all was in vain, his final speech is pointless, their realizations during the film lost, and that E2 was actually a selfish dick and yet S1 still wanted him... E1 ends up with a girl he does not know, a person that doesn't want him, a person even we the viewers have no real idea about. The final sweet scene in the bed becomes even sadder, because it is then shrouded in deceit...perhaps all this was the intention of the movie, but I doubt it.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


I'm sorry I think you're wrong. I'm pretty sure S2 left with E1. When E2 was injured( or dead), one looked down sobbing and the other looked up and smiled. Now, I think among S1 and S2 both had reasons to do both those things. S1 could be sad for E2 because she fell for him or she could be happy that she could be with her husband. S2 could be sad because she really loved E2 or she could be happy because that cheater was finally dead. But, S1 and S2 come across very strongly as emotional and practical respectively. S1 was someone who didn't care for reason much. She also wasn't very strong as a person and could easily be manipulated. It seems her goals weren't very clear to her and she seemed to go with the flow. S2, on the other hand, was a clear-minded and ambitious woman. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She never tried to explore the weird experience they were having. So, when E2 probably died, having also found out recently that he was interested in S1 instead of her, I think for S2 it was an easy decision to make. She wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

But S1 being the emotional fool that she was, couldn't comprehend the situation fast enough to think clearly about her future. She started grieving for E2 and just couldn't make the decision to leave. I think she was overwhelmed by grief and love and also all that happened so quickly in those few minutes. She probably wanted to analyse it and think it over. Well, now she has a lot of time to do that. Probably alone.


Also, see how fast the-Sophie-that-got-away got over the whole thing? She was laughing and making fun conversation in the morning. Now, the Sophie we saw in the beginning - S1 wasn't like that. She couldn't get things out of her mind. I don't think she would wake up to that convo. In all this experience, S1 didn't really change till the speech E1 gave in the very end. Why should one speech have such an effect on S1 that it would change her so much?? I think it was S2 who was anyway over it long back.


Also, see how fast the-Sophie-that-got-away got over the whole thing? She was laughing and making fun conversation in the morning. Now, the Sophie we saw in the beginning - S1 wasn't like that.
S1 was hurt and felt betrayed by the man she loved. During the discourse of the movie she learned firstly that she still loved him ( or a dream version of him) and when she saw his final emotional and desperate speech she learned he still loved her and was ready to make sacrifices. She felt loved once again – just like they felt when they were playing in the pool in their “youth”. So I agree, S1 was depressed in the beginning but through the whole movie she woke up and this is who we see in the end. Christ, she even wants to make bacon for him :-)

Ask yourself what was S1's motivation? Well she seeks love and she seeks to repair her marriage. These were her primary goals. And, in fact, I think the movie shows us her motivation was always Ethan. Mind you, S1 never fell for who E2 actually was. Never. He was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end where he fall flat (literately and figuratively). It is no chance that the film makers made him run face first in to a wall...

S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Not E2. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet. Think about this for a moment. What finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1. She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and was none the wiser of the whole setup. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1. S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was.

And then the final speech convinced her that E1 got his breakthrough and her facial expression of relief and joy at those moments convinced me she finally saw how she got her husband back. Otherwise, I dare say, she is unbelievably naive.

The one S1 loves is E1. The one E1 loves is S1.

Why should one speech have such an effect on S1 that it would change her so much??
It did not change so much. She was already in love with a dream of Ethan the whole time. The final speech just showed her who that Ethan really was… and with the “fucx you all” comment, also who of those he was not.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **



Thank you for sharing your opinion .-)

There is a key difference in how we saw it that will influence our understandings. In my view E2 got knocked out. He did not die. Surely not and it matters in how we interpret their behavior.

S1 …. It seems her goals weren't very clear
I will grant you that she did not have much of an agenda once she was at the Resort and was swept up in it all, blue eyed. However, she had a clear goal from the start though. She was the one who had enough of E1's infidelity and going to the resort was their last option to save their marriage.

S2, on the other hand, was a clear-minded and ambitious woman. She knew what she wanted and how to get it.
She specifically says she does not want E2 to be with S1. And she says it is because she loves him still. Was she lying? I see no reason why she was.
She [S2] wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
Perhaps, but not according to what she said and I think also not according to her game. She never tried to seduce E1 or do anything really except to spoil the relationship E2 and S1 was brewing. Nothing in her game was pointing at escaping. E2, on the other hand, clearly wanted to leave as his primary goal. S2 just wanted him for herself.

But S1 being the emotional fool that she was, couldn't comprehend the situation fast enough to think clearly about her future. She started grieving for E2 and just couldn't make the decision to leave. I think she was overwhelmed by grief and love and also all that happened so quickly in those few minutes.
But this is not at all what happened.

The final Sophie was not standing there crying and all emotional. In fact, she is standing there with very few emotions. If anything I read a bit of disgrace. Her man was laying knockout on the street (or dead, according to you) and she was just standing there looking at him with her head bent, not even holding him or other… also both of them sort of slowly stolled to him afer had had knocked him self out... no, we see someone here in the end who is very well familiar with her situation and imo someone who knew she was stock there with a fool of a man that she loved.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


She was the one who had enough of E1's infidelity and going to the resort was their last option to save their marriage.

We don't know how many times he cheated. I understood that he cheated just once. So, yeah she was upset but had had enough of his infidelity? Also, we don't know how much she wanted to make the marriage work. She didn't leave Ethan, it is true. But, she seemed pretty dejected during therapy. I can't really say if she really wanted to make the marriage work or if she just didn't know what to do.

She specifically says she does not want E2 to be with S1.

Yeah, she said that. S2 said she doesn't want E2 to go with S1 and she would rather be trapped with him than that. But if E2 left with S1, she would anyways be trapped. She said nothing about the possibility of leaving with S1. So, we don't know if she was averse to it.

Perhaps, but not according to what she said and I think also not according to her game. She never tried to seduce E1 or do anything really except to spoil the relationship E2 and S1 was brewing. Nothing in her game was pointing at escaping. E2, on the other hand, clearly wanted to leave as his primary goal. S2 just wanted him for herself.

She did want to escape. She did say that. That was the whole game. The duplicates were trying to make the originals fall out of love so that they could escape. She didn't try to seduce E1, so she wasn't into him. But, she was trying to be an ideal wife for him, the way she imagined ideal would be so that E1 would find S1 falling short in front of S2 and they will grow more apart. We cannot say that S2 didn't feel strongly about leaving. Her statement was that she would rather be trapped with E2 than have E2 leave with S1. Now, it's a play on words. S2 would be trapped in both cases but she would rather be trapped with E2 than E1. But, if she was to leave, she may be okay with leaving with E1. We don't know that.

Her man was laying knockout on the street (or dead, according to you) and she was just standing there looking at him with her head bent

I didn't say he was dead. I said maybe he was injured or dead. And in the end one Sophie was kneeling down beside the knocked out Ethan. There was the scene where E1 looks at both the Sophies and that indicates, he is confused. The one on the left realises this and only then does she smile and slightly nod. For me, this is a clear indication that it was S2. Also, I just rewatched, after the Ethans fought, E2 looks at S1 and when she doesn't go with him, he looks at S2 who looks back at him coldly. She also refuses to go with him in that scene. So, I am inclined to believe that she got totally over the cheating E2 after he mistook her for S1. She didn't return his kiss, she didn't go with him and she finally left the trap with E1. She couldn't have escaped alone clearly, so she escaped with E1.

We just know about what happened the next morning, who knows she might have left E1 later to go live alone.


I think it was Sophie2 at the very end. I didn't see it the other way. Here's why:

When she asks him what he wants for breakfast, she makes him the same thing she made earlier in the film. Why would the writer put that in except to show us he grabbed the wrong gal? There could have been a lot of other ways to show it was his original wife, but it was not.

And I feel it would be weird for Sophie to be so happy in the morning, and offer him the one food she didn't like. We don't know how much time has passed, and the breakfast and bacon thing was a moment shared by both of them.

And Ethan1's reaction was definitely severe. He then realizes his mistake. He grabbed the one who smiled at him, and this is the real clincher:

Sophie2 pretends to be Sophie1 in order to see if Ethan2 is really in love with her. And he is. That is why she loses her cool. She said earlier that she loves him and wants to stay, but by having that experience, she could have changed on the fly right there. Either stay with her jerk partner, or go off with a different Ethan, for a new life.

And we know throughout the film, Sophie2 is the more nasty one. From the painting, to the kitchen sink scene, we know she's more two faced of the two. So at the end when it really mattered, she smiled at Ethan and he grabbed whichever one reacted to him.

You can see the bacon scene as her changing, but that's a weird thing for her to change. Why not just have any other scene to show her affection?

The bacon scene is meant to be the real kicker. Without that scene, we don't know who he grabbed at the pivotal moment, and neither did Ethan1.


I think it was Sophie2 at the very end. I didn't see it the other way. Here's why:

When she asks him what he wants for breakfast, she makes him the same thing she made earlier in the film. Why would the writer put that in except to show us he grabbed the wrong gal? There could have been a lot of other ways to show it was his original wife, but it was not.

Naturally this is the red herring that really is the reason for much of our debate. Without it, I dare say, we would all be n sync and this board would be rather empty :). So imo this is a bit of a cheap-shot by the director and yet quite clever, as it sort of makes the difference.

The reason to why I am against this hint is simply that the whole movie until then speaks against it. And this makes it very hard for me to accept.

But to just reply to you quote above: The bacon thing is deeper than just the same as S2 offered earlier. The bacon thing is a representation of where their marriage was out of sync. No doubt, the directors meant for us to doubt who the final S was…. but it does not have to be a sure dunk. For it to be sure, we have to look at the whole movie. If scrutinized, S1 makes more sense.

And I feel it would be weird for Sophie to be so happy in the morning, and offer him the one food she didn't like. We don't know how much time has passed, and the breakfast and bacon thing was a moment shared by both of them.
I am of the understanding that it is pretty much the next morning. And I think S1 had all the reasons to be happy. And she had all the reason to finally accept her man and wanting to make him happy too (bacon is the way to a mans heart, we all know).

S1 should be happy because…. Again, to see why, we need to view the whole picture: S1 was initially hurt and felt betrayed by the man she loved. During the discourse of the movie she learned firstly that she still loved him (or a dream version of him) and when she saw his final emotional and desperate speech she learned he still loved her and was ready to make sacrifices for her. She felt loved once again – just like they felt when they were playing in the pool in their “youth”. Sure, S1 was depressed in the beginning but through the whole movie she woke up and this is who we see in the end. She or they finally found happiness in each other.

Ask yourself what was S1's motivation? Well, she seeks love and she seeks to repair her marriage. These were her primary goals. And, in fact, I think the movie shows us her motivation was always Ethan. Mind you, S1 never fell for who E2 actually was. Never. He was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end where he fell flat (literately and figuratively). It is no chance that the film makers made him run face first in to a wall...

S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Not E2. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet...... Think about this for a moment….. What finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1. To E1. She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and was none the wiser of the whole setup. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1… NOT E2.

S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was. And in the end she got E1 back…. She had all the reasons to be happy.

S2 should be happy because…. She shouldn't. A counter argument to your quote above is: Why do you think S2 should be so happy in the end? Really, why? The S2 we saw played her part as almost a Stepford wife would; few to no emotions and basically very superficial in her conduct. Even when she was outed by Ethan she seemed very detached or unvested. The only time we see her true persona, or rather gimps of it, is when she calls S1 out on her bull$hit in the kitchen and also a little bit after she tricks E2 to confess part of his game with her and S1. In all other scenes she is like a cold hearted machine.

She says how she loves the fool of E2 and would rather stay with him than to let S1 take him... of course, you must then think she is lying or that she changed her mind. For some reasons that I cannot see. We will never know. But whatever that may be, I am quite sure her motivation was never to take over S1’s life and be with E1 for the rest of her life living it out as a fake. Which the movie then implies, doesn’t it?

It simply goes against the S2 we are presented for. She showed no love or any interests towards E1 or who E1 was, never – not once. Her interest and focus was always on E2 and to breakup whatever was happening between E2 and S1. She is a no-nonsense kind of gal. So when the ending supposedly reduces her to a blabbering fake shadow of someone else entirely, I think it actually doesn’t.

If it was S2 in the end, she would have left E2 on the first chance she got. The final S was in love with Ethan. And the only S that was ever in love with Ethan was S1.

Sophie2 pretends to be Sophie1 in order to see if Ethan2 is really in love with her. And he is. That is why she loses her cool. She said earlier that she loves him and wants to stay, but by having that experience, she could have changed on the fly right there. Either stay with her jerk partner, or go off with a different Ethan, for a new life.
I think this is a sound argument. She felt betrayed then and should consider leaving…. The thing I do not buy is that it she then went on living her life as a fake (read; as S1) and be with someone she has no feelings towards… this just does not make sense to me. The S2 we ever saw would have none of that. The final scene would have been hearing a door slamming leaving Ethan alone…. It wasn’t, the final scene was of a Sophie in love.

And we know throughout the film, Sophie2 is the more nasty one. From the painting, to the kitchen sink scene, we know she's more two faced of the two. So at the end when it really mattered, she smiled at Ethan and he grabbed whichever one reacted to him.
– which is precisely why she would not have been the one laying with him and making him bacon in the end… she would have split the first chance she got.

You can see the bacon scene as her changing, but that's a weird thing for her to change. Why not just have any other scene to show her affection?
Obviously, the film makers were hoping for the reaction we are having right now. It is a cheap shot, I think, but it works. I cannot deny that.

The bacon scene is meant to be the real kicker. Without that scene, we don't know who he grabbed at the pivotal moment, and neither did Ethan1.
I agree. The bacon scene speaks for S2. So if we only look at this scene we would not have these fun discussions. However, looking at the whole picture with all the hints and clever dialogue… then the answer is not so obvious imo. My vote is on S1

If you look at the movie as a whole then what is your conclusion teaching us?

Basically it is teaching us that all was in vain... that his final speech is pointless... that the realizations during the movie lost... and that E2 was actually a selfish dick and yet S1 still wanted him... that S1 ran away from a E1 because he had become distant, to only fall for someone who is even more distant (and not for the changed and now improved E1).... and that E1 ends up with a girl he does not know.... and a girl that apparently doesn't want him... a girl even we the viewers have no real idea about: The final sweet scene in the bed becomes even more sad, because it is then shrouded in deceit...perhaps all this was the intention of the movie makers, but I feel it wasn't.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


You definitely are swaying me now. I remember that Sophie1 was also told of the bacon thing, so its not like she has no justification to offer him bacon.

You also make a good point with the end Sophie's behaviour. If it was S2, she would not be reacting happy for real, most of her happiness was faked to seem more pleasant, and she wasn't able to fool Ethan1 anyway.


That is a good point. E1 was never fooled and was almost instantly on to S2, plus he was very adamant on perusing S1 as she was the one he truly loved... only she (also why E1 would never just accept S2 like that)... I guess, why the title is; The One I love... to him there was only one.

Anyway, back to your point: If it was S2 in the end he should have smelled this sooner, I agree. He was no fool. They even went to Sam Melone's office etc. There were plenty of opportunities for him to see though it, if it indeed was a game still in the end. He didn't because it wasn't.

Great movie, and great acting.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


We just know about what happened the next morning, who knows she might have left E1 later to go live alone.
she would have to to make sense - and the movie should have showed us this, if it was so. The movie didn't. because it wasn't. I think. Every which way I see it the motivations of the two S's simply speaks against this final swap.

The movie is titled "The One I Love". If the swap happened, none of them got the one they loved. If the swap did not happen (as I think), all of them got the one they loved.

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **
