The ending explained & why I see only one answer...
[EDITED: December 2016]
Who is the final Sophie - is it S1 or S2?
The movie is really quite clear except for the final bacon scene which is clearly here to put doubt on who she is. A cheap shot by the director, but a clever cheap shot.
To figure out who "escaped", I think we need to look in to who these two girls really are, and what drives them through the whole movie. This is the smoking gun...
The problem is though that we don't really know S2 and what drives her. What was her ambition, her game and her goal?
She is in character through most of the movie and the little we see of her true personality seems quite bitchy and superficial. Even E2 did not dig her anymore. She seemed hell bent on destroying what was brewing between E2 and S1, and E1 and afterlife with him was not very much on her agenda, if at all.
She never really flirted or otherwise tried and lure E1 into her web. If anything, she was the reason it all went wrong.
So if we forget the ending and only see who S1 and S2 really are, then who would we guess would escape and live happily ever after with E1 in the end?
S1 wanted bliss and love and to rekindle what they once had, and she did love E – despite his infidelity and their relational problems. Indeed she fell hard for E2, but not who E2 actually was. She fell for a dream of who E1 could be. This is important to understand what drove S1.
As the culmination gets nearer, we all see a bit more of who E2 and S2 are. And once E2 says “*beep* you all” and runs away from both his ladies, and after E1 delivered his heartfelt and breakthrough speech, to me it seem clear that the movie tells us how S1 got what she ultimately hoped for from the “therapy”. She got her E1 back at that very moment and she (and we) realized in those final moments that E2 was a fake dick.
So what did S1 want? She wanted E... not a fake E, but the real E like he once was. In the end of the movie this is what she got. And E2 had ironically become the fake and the untrustworthy.... he had become the like one she was originally escaping from and E1 had become he she was dreaming abut (and I think this is the brilliancy of the movie).
It is commonly misunderstood that S1 fell for E2.
S1 never fell for who E2 actually was. He was constantly playing his part of a better and improved Ethan until the very end. S1 fell for E1 – or rather how she dreamed E1 would or could be. Even when she succumbs hard to E2’s charm it is when he tells her those longing words about how and why E1 was unfaithful back in the day. And S1 knew E2 was not E1 at this time and yet this is what really swept her feet.... think about it for a moment; what finally won her was a story about and emotions connected entirely to E1... She made love with E2 two times and both times were because of E1: The first time she simply believed it was her old chubby and did not know better. The second time is when E2 gives her those longing beautiful words associated to E1. S1 was in fact all the time smitten by Ethan, perhaps not his latest ways, but always for the hope or dream she had of him... and never this other guy, whoever he was.
So what did S2 want? Well, the movie is not very clear on this except she seemed hell-bent on E2 despite all his crap. And S2 is the only one who knows who and what E2 really is. She specifically says that she does not want to leave E2 or see another take him away. All her actions until the very end supports this mission. Nothing in the movie showed us any interest or affection towards E1.
Ultimately her motivation was never to take over S1’s life and be with E1 for the rest of her life living it out as a fake, as someone else. Which the movie then would imply! It simply goes against the S2 we are presented for. She is a no-nonsense kind of gal.
& what did E1 want? He wanted S1. He was in love with S1 and was not fooled by S2 and her acting. He saw right through her and very quickly. Through most of the movie he was adamant on pursuing S1, and only her. She was his end goal. The One He Loves. So if the final Sophie was in fact S2, it goes completely against his character to just accept her as though she was S1. And he should have smelled he deceit sooner, like he did at the resort. He was no fool.
... Okay, now let’s add the bacon ending... and this obviously confuses everything. Who is this loving S we experience in the epilogue?
IMO this movie only has one loving S and that was S1. A better ending to manifest that the “wrong S” had escaped would be to let her go down for breakfast and he would just hear the front door slamming....
So the way I see it is: The bacon scene tells us that S1 didn't want to change him anymore and that she accepted who he was or rather who he had become. They were now in sync, like a piano (the metaphor specifically used by Sam Malone earlier).
Also, why would S2 at all be flirted in the end like that...
she was no longer needed to act.
she was no longer required to be fake.
she could be who she actually was.
... And yet she completely “acted" like S1 for no good reason – other than of course if she in fact was S1.
So when the ending supposedly reduces S2 to a fake shadow of someone else entirely, I think it actually doesn’t. Sophie wanted love from Ethan. Ethan wanted love from Sophie. S2 was not hoping to take over the life of Sophie and she was in love with whoever E2 actually was and did not want to loose him. She surely did not want to win Ethan
IMO the essence of the movie is in E1’s heartfelt speech at the end. We should accept and even cherish our own flaws, warts and all, and those of our partners. In those imperfections we become the humans we are. In the end they both changed - he as well as her. It is most evident of his change at his speech and her at the final bacon scene.
The one S1 loves is E1. The one E1 loves is S1.
And taken the opposite conclusion a wee bit further (If S2 left), then what is the film teaching us❓ Basically that all was in vain.... that his final speech is pointless... that their realizations during the film is lost... that despite E2 being a selfish dick, S1 still wanted him... that S1 did not want E1 because he was distant, and then she chooses E2 after she learns he is even more distant... that S1 ignores the fact that E2 had changed... that E1 ends up with a girl he does not know... that E1 ends up with a girl that doesn't want him... that E1 ends up with a girl even we the viewers have no real idea about... The final sweet scene in the bed becomes even more sad, because it is then shrouded in deceit...perhaps all this was the intention of the movie, but I doubt it.
PS: I also read that the fact that E2 could not leave was because they had not broken up the relationship in those final moments. If so, why could S2 then leave seconds after? She couldn't either, and she knew. The S standing next to E2 in the end was far from happy. She knows she is where she was in the beginning and had not progressed at all, however S1 is finally now where she hoped to be, next to her loving husband.
PS 2: Someone else spotted another hint in the final bacon scene: E1 is now wearing the t-shirt E2 was wearing when S1 fell hard for him earlier. This T-shirt represents how E1 now is also changed - parallel to how the bacon thing shows us S1 had. Simply put, the T-shirt is the filmmakers way of subtly showing us that he too had changed.
PS 3: I have only ONE problem with my explanation. And that is the facial expression of Ethan when he hears the bacon thing. He does not seem loved, he seem bewildered. But of course he had not read my OP at that point in time... :-) Anyway, a contributory way to analyse this facial expression is to see it as sign that Ethan at that moment realized that the whole insane and awful retreat experience had worked and impacted them both in a positive way. Until then he considered the whole thing as plain wrong and borderline evil. Perhaps he sort of acknowledged that Sam Malone's wacky experiment had borne fruit and was in fact just what the "the doctor ordered".... such a realization should be expressed in a set of mixed emotions, and maybe this is what we see in his eyes in the end... at least, from that point of view it all fits nicely
Am I wrong?
** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **