Was The Harem a spoof

of the regular Blacklist? Thought it was the worst episode so far. Liz can go undercover when her face has been all over the news? The gang is called the Harem? And it's ethnically diverse? And they're lesbians? And they have to go undercover to a strip club, but everyone's dressed? The shark has been jumped. Horrible.


Whatever it was, it was horrible.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


The lesbian "kiss" didn't even look like an attempt to fake it at the very least. Liz never even tilted her head and the other lady at least made it look like she was trying to make it look somewhat believable.

If Megan Boone was comfortable with a scene like that, they could have at least used a double from behind to make it look more real.


I thought the same thing about the undercover job, totally unbelievable that she can work undercover.


Like an episode of undercover boss in a company with 5 employees.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


I agree, this was a completely hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrible episode. Such a let down as well in comparison to the earlier 10 episodes which were great to watch.


It was pure cringe from start to finish.
