For those who read the book
Was it SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the book that the "creatures" cause the person to witness their "greatest fear," which results in them committing suicide?
In the movie Charlie is the first and only person to bring this theory up. However, hes just a regular guy who works at a supermarket. Now everywhere this movie is being discussed, here, Reddit, Youtube comment section; people are all in agreement that the "creatures" "cause the person to witness their greatest fear."
There were two deaths in the movie which go AGAINST this theory. When Lydia, the wife of Douglass, sees whatever it is she sees, she believes it is her mother, or has something to do with her mother and she doesn't seem scared in the slightest. I doubt her mother was her "greatest fear."
The second was Olympia. When Gary tells her to look at the creatures, she does, and then she says something along the lines of "well you're not so bad." You' Her greatest fear? I think not.