Awful PC Nonsense

Of the 4 musketeers, three of them are not of pure european descent as would have been absolutely necessary in 17th france to joint he King's musketeers

A lot of idiots on here seem to suggest this is acceptable because Dumas was not white and his father a general was not white. However his father was born in 1762 whereas this series is set in 1630. To make you realise how stupid the argument many on here propose it would be setting a historical drama in the US in 1870/80s and having a black president, and using as the excuse, well Barack Obama was president in 2008

Absolute nonsense. I myself am not white and i don't need some old white man at the BBC trying to blacken the cast so I and other people who aren't white feel included. Actually i find it quite insulting. It is one of the great works of european literature based on European history and i enjoy it regardless of the fact that because of this, the main people are always white even though i myself am not.

Typical BBC, lefty multicultural rubbish


Besides Porthos, who else is not "100% European"? Last time I checked, Italy and Spain were European countries. No one in Europe is 100 % European. If anything, we are Eurasian since our ancestors came from the Caucus mountains.


You do realize slavery had been around since ancient times, right? And that since the discovery of the New World, that trade had started to pick up? Trade in general had been going on between Europe and Africa since, oh, Phoenician times? And then of course there were the Moorish invasions of Spain and southern Europe.

It's not like Africa and Europe are half a world apart. They're next door neighbors.

Hell, there was a community of black people living in London in the time of Shakespeare. (Michael Wood's In Search of Shakespeare) That's pre-1600.

So no, it is not out of historical context to have a black man on a TV show set in the 1630's. As for Porthos being the Musketeers, that has been explained. He is the child of a friend of Treville, who found him serving in the Army and offered him a commission.

In fact, it is more realistic to show black people living in European countries in 1630 rather than portraying every soul living there as lily white.

As for Aramis, who said both his parents were Spanish? He could have had a French parent and a Spanish parent. And as pointed out, Spain is European, as is Italy (though the actor is English by birth). D'Artangnan has not been protrayed as anything but French, as had Athos. Tom Burke is as English as the fields of Kent, is this a problem too?


Tom Burke is as English as the fields of Kent, is this a problem too

I don't like your diagnosis of Milady but this comment made me laugh. Hooray for Tom and Kent!

There's always going to be some dude who thinks very odd things about race - about one a month? I wonder where they get these notions from? And whether they realise racism is not really a tenable position anyway, with so many people with such rich and mixed cultural backgrounds? Nor is claiming to be black making their argument more valid.

Maybe it's someone just trolling again? Or just looking for something to grouse about. Worth checking tls' posting history.

The absurdity of his point coming shining through when American history is cited as a parallel for European history - and when the word "lefty" appears.


He's a grouser. He was grousing over on the Turn board too.



Awful PC Nonsense

To be fair I thought that this show pretty much escaped the otherwise tawdry veneer of political correctness that amateurishly blights many historically-set drama series these days....especially when compared with some of its predecessors which were often nowhere near as fortunate in that regard! (Ripper Street for one)

True, we've had the obligatory right-on 'waycism' and 'wimmin's rights' episodes - as is to be expected, but on the other hand the 'gay rights' episode is still 'missing in action'! Perhaps we'll finally see it in the 3rd series...?

Either way, and as modern tradition dicates, it's surely on it's way I'd imagine!

Regardless, The Musketeers is one of the Beeb's better efforts in recent times imo.

As for a lack of historical accuracy, well everyone naturally has differing opinions on what is or should be considered plausible in such situations and what isn't. Personally I'd cut The Musketeers some slack on that one. 


What a WEIRDO. If you spent half the time you spent getting your panties in a twist over a FICTIONAL television show, on REAL world issues, then you might be onto something.

Your fugitive's name is Dr. Richard Kimble. Go get him.


I think the IDIOT op meant French since everybody is pure European except for Porthos. An ignoramus is richly ignorant as the op blatantly proves himself.


I just registered to reply to this post. I have come to this forum for a while now, and I saw that this subject is often discussed.
I will just say that, being French, I could say that I find outrageous that all the actors are from the UK and that they speak english at the Court of France. In the 1630's France, it is an awful nonsense.
So if you are being shocked by historically inaccuracies, don't watch this show, because it is full of them. And in fact, it is based on books that are not accurate either, so who cares ?

And sorry for my english


Your English is great.

The OP is an embarrassment to idiots everywhere.


I could say that I find outrageous

I do hope the outrageous was said in the same manner has the knight atop the castle in Monty Pythons Holy Grial.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar. 
