It really is not about the number as much as it is about the event.
Around a hundred million people vanishing into thin air at the exact same time in less than a second, including in front of people of all religions and no religion, wholly without any scientific or religious or spiritual explanation based on ANY of the current religions etc (as there is no commonality among those taken and those left behind), would be the biggest and craziest event to ever have happened to humanity by a thousandfold.
It would also be the first time in history people of all religions and no religions such as atheists have "proof" of something happening totally outside of any known science or spiritual/religious belief system happening right in front of their eyes, wholly without explanation or a common thread to show why/how etc the people who disappeared are the ones who disappeared versus the ones who did not. Add this happening in a modern world where can confirm stuff thousands of miles away with mass communication and mass global transportation, and this would have a more profound effect on our psyche than anything else to have ever happened in history by a huge degree.
It would be absurd to even begin to compare such an event to lots of people dying from a holocaust or from a plague, or missing/abducted children etc.