More miscegenation
Yet another series that is pushing race mixing. Disgusting.
In the book, it's a white man and a mixed-race woman. The woman is so pale-skinned that he doesn't even notice her race until she points it out. It's a small plot point. In this show, her race isn't a plot point at all and they could have cast anyone...
It's shit anyway. The acting, writing and directing are all bad. There was nothing to spoil with the casting.
The show so far is ok to watch. Even if you are just a chill guy who hates minorities.
I have a ton of complaints regarding their defense, location, ability to use heavy equipment, and build stuff.
- Use heavy equipment, tractors, excavators, dozers, ect.
- Settle in a temperate region with oil/gas field & refinery/processing equipment
- A machine shop is essential to repair things
- A small convoy of semi trucks should be scavenging the warehouses for goods. These places have fork lifts to load everything - almost no labour involved, just time
- Other trucks can be swapping trailers loading up lube oils, greases and all other refined products that are harder to acquire and storing them
In the event of an apocalypse, I'm going primitive straight away. Any attempt to keep electricity or machines running would involve a huge outlay of resources and would ultimately be futile. Unless you're going to manufacture rubber seals, lubricants, fuel, capacitors, and so on, forget it. Screw restarting civilisation; I'm going to move somewhere warm near the sea and spend the rest of my days fishing, reading and brewing. The apocalypse means freedom from work - why create more? You're welcome to drop in for some blackberry wine.
shareI enjoy doing shit. It would be nice to build stuff for a good cause.
shareAs someone who suffers from a severe case of negro fatigue, do you think I can tolerate this show? Is it worth it?
shareThere are literally no fertile women. Given the circumstances, I do not blame the main character for mating with the negress.
shareEven if every White woman were to go extinct, that’s still no excuse for a White man to mate with a baboon.
shareOh my! I can't believe you said that!
shareBelieve it or not, I said it.
shareYou know, we are all descended from the primates.
Why so much hate? We are all the same.
Yes, I know. But you could say the same thing about us and chimps or dogs or lizards. There is always a common ancestor.
And It's not so much hate — at least not for minorities themselves — but rather a deep disdain for those who push a politically correct moral agenda. I find that repugnant, and as a form of resistance — and for the sake of my own sanity — I often say the most politically incorrect thing I can think of.
That said, I am firmly against miscegenation. White people are a global minority, making up only about 8% – 10% of the world's population, and we already have below-replacement birth rates. Race mixing accelerates our path toward extinction, and I cannot accept that. I want to preserve my people — our bloodlines, our heritage, and everything that makes us who we are.
You won't make a difference. Get used to your fear becoming a reality. Anything that makes you experience less happiness I'm a fan of.
shareIt’s going to take some time for Hollyweird to catch up with the change of culture.
shareI agree. With Trump’s win and the noticeable shift to the right — and the clear rejection of wokeness — I really hope they finally get the message.
We’re tired of forced diversity. That doesn’t mean everything needs to be all White — though honestly, that would be a refreshing change for a while — but we don’t want everything looking like a goddamn rainbow flag. We want to see normal people again: straight White men who act like men, not spineless cowards. Bring back the straight White male hero.
Most people stick with their own kind, and media should reflect that reality instead of this fantasy world where every group looks like a UN meeting. We’re fed up with being bombarded with marginalized people and the freaks and degenerates of society. Enough. I just hope they finally get it — and if they do, I wonder how long it’ll take for the media to reflect it.
There are still straight white male heroes still. They are still the majority in Hollywood. That's about to change though and good. I'm offended by only seeing white people.
shareNah it’s changing away from what you want. Look at the USA election results look at what’s happening in other western countries.
Look at the Woke TV and movie failures. People don’t want politics forced down their throats.
Wicked woke and made tons of money, Barbie woke and made money, Moonlight woke and made money, Everything everywhere all at once made money, Spider verse movies made money. Just because a product is woke does it mean it will fail financially. Fuckers like you only want to count woke when it fails and conveniently ignore the successes. Politics on the right bring shoved down our throats is cool though right? I should take your approach and bitch when I see too many white prole in a project. Why you gotta make it political by using white people so much?
shareYour lifestyle is over.
shareNope I'm still here. And get used to it it's here to stay. Nothing happened when your orange guy got in the last time. Nothing will this time either.
shareLmao keep dreaming.
shareOnce my life style ends I will get back to you. Until then I'm right here bitch!
shareYour democrats will be trying to work out how to free themselves of the Woke virus for the next decade at least.
shareYou are an incel who doesn't understand what the word woke means. Elaborate, what does it mean? Let's see how stupid you are.
shareBut of course you are so right my dear.
shareDidn't think so. Sit your ass down and fuck off bitch boy!
shareAre you still on about the Woke thing even though you don’t know about the origins of the word incel?
shareOh I know the origins of it. I figured we would adopt the new meaning and make it a buzzword. Kind of like how you guys did with woke.
shareSo go on genius. What’s anIncel?what are its origins?
Oh and you are very aggressive and know that’s one of the reasons your side lost,right?
Nope I asked you what woke meant and you refused to answer. Now you want me to answer your question when you ignored mine. Fuck off.
I don't have a side. Unlike you I call out corruption no matter where it lies. Democrats lost because Biden is an old decrepit piece of shit and Kamala Harris is a joke as well. Had they selected the better candidate in Bernie Sanders it would have been a lock. Trump is as corrupt as they come. The difference is you think the right has no corruption and I can openly see that both sides have issues. I don't boot lick, that's your gig.
Hollyweird have noticed though and notably have told the likes of DeNiro in peticular to shut up and Zegler has sunk her career. The Woke talk show hosts have also had decline in ratings.
Woke has become such a cliche in entertainment. Gotta have the mixed race couple but it’s ok if both are Asian or black. Got to have the Rainbow mafia and their nonsense.
It really irks me when it’s set in day medieval England and yet you have Asians and other unlikely types playing roles.
In the Vikings spin off series they even took a historical Viking character and cast the role with a black woman! The historical figure was a white man.
It’s just eye rolling.
I know, I feel you. I still remember how disgusted I was watching Vikings: Valhalla, only to be greeted by the Viking version of Aunt Jemima in a leadership position.
shareYeah we’re talking about the same character. She plays the Earl Hakkon.
There was a British series called Young Merlin set in Dark Ages Britain and they cast an Indian to play Guinevere.
I expect to see a white Shaka Zulu to make up for this kind of thing.
Oh my fucking god, did you watch The Winter King? It’s another King Arthur show that came out last year. The series itself was pretty good, but, of course, they made Merlin black and Guinevere black too. It’s absolutely fucking repulsive. It’s stuff like this that’s pushed me toward White Nationalism. I realized they were right about a lot of things, and none of us were paying attention.
shareLet alone there being no other fertile women in this show, are you aware of biologic facts?
From a science point of view there are no human races, because the genetic differences between humans no matter where on earth they are from are so small that for whatever other species there is on earth it would all be considered the same race.
Brown and black cows are genetically further apart than white and black humans.
..... and then there are the known facts in genetics.
The further apart the genes of mother and father are, the healthier their babies are on average.
We all know this from domestic animals such as cats and dogs, where the "pure breed" often have tons of health problems, not just the ones the breeders artificially created but also increasing amounts of inborn genetic defects, increasing amounts of allergies, etc.
In humans we can see it as well, if only we look into relatively small communities that accept children only from parents who are both members of the community, such as the Amish in the US or the Roma in Europe, their level of genetic degeneration is visible today already, even though from an evolution point of view they have separated themselves from the rest of humanity only for a very short time.
We all know that incest has such a high probability of genetic defects in children that it's forbidden almost everywhere, but hardly anyone, certainly not the racists, goes the small logic step forward to conclude that this is an effect that holds true for every single baby, the further apart the genes of the parents, the healthier their babies.
This means if people want healthy babies there's no safer path to get them than to get a partner from as far away as one can find. Doesn't matter whether it's different skin colors or different shape of the eyes or whatever else, the important question is always how far apart the genes of the parents are.
Oh, please. As far as they knew they were the last two people on earth. Age and race didn't matter anymore.
shareIt always matters. I wouldn’t pair up with one of these creatures, even if we were the last two on Earth. If the outcome is a world of mulatto children, then extinction sounds like the better option.
shareNot just the race mixing but there is clearly an almost 10-15 years difference between the two… she had to be over 40 when they met and he was mid 20’s … it’s all just fucking..tiresome