Hamilton came to Toby's wife's place for the singular purpose of KILLING HIM right then and there on that front porch.
Look at all the foreshadowing:
Marcus (Hamilton) says to Alberto in the pickup right before they turned around and headed to Vernon.
Hamilton -- "Who know? Maybe one of these bank robbers is gonna want a gunfight, and I could dodge my retirement in a blaze of glory?"
Alberto -- "Well...I've seen you shoot...won't be much glory in it."
Hamilton -- (laughs) "Well I'm lucky I've got a halfbreed by my side to avenge me."
And there are more examples
And the scene that precedes Hamilton showing up a Toby's wife's place. He's seated on the couch in his living room with his pistol. The director purposely included this scene to leave no doubt that Hamilton would be armed when he shows up at Toby's--otherwise what's the point of that particular scene?
Alberto and Hamilton's conversation in front of the motel is a revelation as well. There's far to much dialogue for me to post it all, but check out the scene and it becomes rather clear.
Part of it (paraphrased) includes Alberto saying he hopes he's "lucky enough to make it to the end" (re: Hamilton's retirement)
and Hamilton says something like, (paraphrased) "Don't worry, you won't cone close to any danger without me by your side."
If Hamilton had intended to bring Toby to justice, even though he was newly retired, surely he could've convinced some of his ranger friends to accompany him after explaining the situation.
But he went there alone...and armed, and seeking to avenge his partner. And he wasn't particularly concerned with surviving the shootout.
Had Toby's ex and the family not shown up when they did, a gun fight probably would've broke out.
Check out my thread about the faceoff on the front porch. You might find it interesting.
"Stick with me, baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk."