What Happened With Prom?

So he agreed to take the attractive girl to prom, and then instead went to see the dying girl in the hospital instead. What happened to prom? Was it actually that night, or was it another night? When his mom said "Take lots of pictures" she must have not known that he was going to the hospital, right? I feel bad for any girl jilted on prom night. Did he jilt the girl that he was going to take? I'm very confused by this and don't see a discussion of this anywhere.


the movie was a hot mess


I think he didn't know what he was going to do for sure, but ended up choosing to spend time with Rachel over going to prom. And yeah, obviously his mom didn't know that he wasn't going to prom. Yeah, maybe Madison got her feelings hurt. But I'm sure Greg thought it was more important to make up with Rachel and give her company than it was to go dance with Madison.



He never agreed to anything. She said come on let's go and the scene ended. One would think he would go with her, but apparently he never said YES.

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Exactly. Greg makes a point earlier in the movie "I never agreed to make the movie. I just said word"

Come at the king, you best not miss.


Whatever the writers intended, it was very unclear. I sure was also confused about him not going to the prom. The confusion makes the movie lack something.


I think Madison was in on it, both not going to the prom with Greg, Greg finishing the movie, and Greg going to see Rachel.


I hope so, but I don't know. The subterfuge would explain why Madison was even available. Because she wasn't but she had the plan to deceive his parents into springing last minute for the tux and a limo.



The film leaves the Madison/Greg subplot hanging loose.

What's up with that?

 "Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


Considering Madison leaned on him to make the movie for Rachel in the first place, and how things turned out, I imagine Madison would be fairly understanding (even if he didn't tell her ahead of time).


johnston.scot writes: "...I imagine Madison would be fairly understanding..."


Very likely.

And I like the idea above, that Madison was behind Greg "going to the prom" with Rachel; but we see Greg making-up with Earl -- Madison we see only in a shot at the wake. Nothing more.

 "Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


Some of this is foreshadowed by that annoying limo driver who is asking Greg "So, you love this girl? "if you love her, she'll know" then the reveal of him pulling up at the hospital. I like to think that he was on the way to prom but knew that Rachel was in the hospital and not doing well he came to the realization that Rachel was who he loved. As another person in this thread pointed out, he had nothing with Madison, he didn't even really agree to go to the prom with her, he just asked her if "this was a pity date"


Even though they don't explicitly say, I assumed that Greg chose to go to the hospital instead of prom. Maybe he intended to just stop by the hospital and still go to prom.


It's pretty simple. Greg originally was going to the prom but when the Limo driver kept talking to him and saying that as long as he loves he's going to get some. At that time he realizes who he loves and goes to the hospital. He finally was able to admit to himself why he was so upset.

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