Charlize or Amanda?

No contest...Charlize wins hands down.

However, I never knew Sarah Silverman looked so good in Old West garb.

I'm a brunette guy, so I might have to think about her.

Of course, bottom line, NONE of the 3 would have anything to do with


Personally, I pick Amanda. Generally? Charlize.

Haters gonna hate


Charlize without a doubt. Unless she looks significantly better in person Amanda has never done anything for me.


Charlize is a gorgeous woman and the others pale in comparison. She's a very talented Actress too and I liked her in this movie.


If I were to spend a night with Charlize, my life would be complete. I would have nothing else to strive for, and would probably commit suicide the next morning.

I'd better pick Amanda. It's just safer.


Easily Charlize, then Sarah, then Amanda.

But I never could have predicted that one day I'd be selecting Amanda 3rd in any list!!! What a line-up of amazing women!!!

Black holes are where God divided by 0 


Somehow this is important to someone or something somewhere, and for that reason....

1. Amanda is a 8
2. Charlize is a 7
3. Sarah is a 6.5

I sell butane and potato accessories.


I would bust my nuts off inside of Amanda.


Charlize always wins. But, I would definitely be very happy with Sarah Silverman, who though I disagree with politically I find her quite attractive. Not that either one cares.


Charlize looks good in a cowboy hat.
