Is it generally agreed that this is worse than the prequel films?

Because I can't see how anyone would disagree


Well I cannot agree as I haven't seen this...


How is that possible? Its always on TV. In fact, one of the network stations FX today right now, every Star Wars movie is being televised


It's a personal boycott. I chose not to watch this and therefore do not sanction the legitimacy of the DT.

Same with James Bond - the last one I saw was Skyfall and I will not watch Spectre nor whatever Daniel Craig's last one was called...


You sound like you could be my long-lost brother. LOL


Ok, I get that, but please follow proper guidelines in the future by only participating on boards where you have seen the movie


mmm, I don't know. If the OP was about a particular scene in TROS and they'd said "Would you agree that this was better than the scene in TPM when Jar Jar steps in Bantha shit?" then I'd agree that I had no place in that discussion.

However, in this case, the OP said they couldn't see how anyone wouldn't agree that this was the worst of the DT. I think my reply is fine in that context...

Anyway, I hope that helps 👍


That helps a lot. Now I realize I can go on boards where I never seen the movie before. Thanks for your help and have a wonderful Thanksgiving


Well I'm not an American but I appreciate the sentiment... You enjoy yours!


At least the prequels were made by George Lucas and not KK or her minions. You could tell Lucas was trying to keep them consistent with Star Wars lore, even if it wasn't a perfect interpretation. The prequels, for all their faults, even inspired a lot of extra fun lore (including the Clone Wars series, as well as the KOTOR and SWTOR game series') to be made. It was fun to see a galaxy that wasn't ruled by one evil empire and lots of Jedi around, as well as a sort of "golden age" for the Republic going on. The stories were also different from the OT, not rehashes like the ST was.


Well said. With all their faults the prequels are still fun to watch. The general conception is that they are not very good movies due to a lot of dialogue and acting issues.
Calling the prequels bad, silly or goofy is very different from Disney Star Wars where everybody uses the word hate.
I did not mind The Force Awakens even if it was rehash of ANH. If Abrams stuck to directing/writing all three films we may have had something although Kennedy probably would have destroyed that to.


Putting KK in charge was probably the worst idea Lucas ever had. He apparently didn't know his favorite kiss-ass very well at all, and trusted her. He bought every lie she told him on how she would "take care of his baby," and then he was forced to watch her throw out his baby with the acid bathwater and shit all over everything he had made.


How in the world did George Lucas let them buy Star Wars without having at least some sort of stipulation that they make the sequels his way?? This is George Lucas we're talking about! The guy has always been notoriously protective of his franchise! Did Disney put a gun to his head and make him sign it over by force? (no pun intended)


He was tricked by Bob Iger. I recommend you go to YouTube, and look up "Star Wars on Trial." Video 1 in that series tells the backstory behind George selling Lucasfilm to Disney, and what convinced him to do it. Part of that involved Iger playing on the guy's fears and saying, "You have no heirs," when it came to Star Wars, because none of Lucas's kids were interested in working in the film industry or continuing their dad's work.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened if Lucas had changed his mind and let John Favreau take over Lucasfilm. At least then we would have had somewhat better films without the crappy Disney influence.


I don't know that I can conclusively say that it is "generally agreed," but for me this is far worse than the prequels.


It's about on a par with Revenge Of The Sith (which I feel is overrated) and The Phantom Menace. Probably slightly better. And miles better than Attack Of The Clones.




I agree with the RedLetterMedia Half in the Bag review for this movie, just because it sucks it doesn’t redeem the prequels.


It really bolis down to the fact that Disney ruined this and treated the older cast like shit when it came to their demise in the films and in the end, this is the reason WHY this Sequel Trilogy made the $$$$$$ it did and it wasn't because of the New Cast either.. All of the heroes should've reunited on the same screen in The FORCE AWAKENS.. Nuff said


This isn't a great film, but it is far, far better than any of the prequels.
