Anyone here like the Sequel Trilogy?

I certainly did


Yes I enjoyed them and liked them better than the original trilogy. They weren't perfect but neither were the original three.


This discussion is already taking place at this board:

But I am curious how anyone can like a trilogy that was actively retconning and had directors sniping at each other with each installment. I mean I think TFA was a utter disaster and therefor everything that came after was a result of that; but I get people liking TFA; but then how does one like TLJ when it basically was a middle finger to all the set up of TFA? Then if you like TLJ how do you tolerate the fact that TROS was actively and knowingly trying to retcon TLJ?

How does one find enjoyment in a story so disjointed between the 3 acts?


Quasimodo is being a TROLL.


thank you for the warning. :)


So people cant like the movies you dislike ?


No they can like them; I am just curious if their reasons are good or bad and if they can 'defend' their position.

I bring up a specific fact that the films actively try to subvert and undermine each other's story and set up from film to film in this trilogy; making the story a jarringly disjointed mess. Even if you like the individual installments you would (at least should be) unhappy with how the next installment made a conscious effort to 'sabotage' the set up and themes of the previous installment.

I think this is a fair and reasonable question.

Am I not allowed to ask people explain their reasons for liking a film trilogy that was badly done?


TFA was an enjoyable movie , TROS was ok however both have flaws with the story, more so TROS which was rather cheap story line, however ive seen worse SW movies.

There you go , can we move on now


I am glad you admit there are flaws in the individual movies; but the point I am trying to make is because the films were so disjointed in their story in between the films that liking the entire trilogy is almost impossible, as far as I can see.

What I mean is; you like TFA and say it is enjoyable (I think TFA was terribly written but lets ignore that for the moment) are you okay with the fact that TLJ basically goes out of its way to undermine all the 'plot' and story elements that were set up in TFA? Or if you liked the themes of the Last Jedi are you okay with Rise of Skywalker basically retconing those themes?

You can move on if you like, I am not forcing you to converse with me on this topic.


Fuck off, Quasi.


Oh it's the butthurt incel, or the Stygiannati stooge. I can't remember which.


So do I. Not as much as the OT, but more than the PT.


As I said to the other user (btw this is not to be rude but to try consolidate the discussion where there are more participants):

This discussion is already taking place at this board:

But I am curious how anyone can like a trilogy that was actively retconning and had directors sniping at each other with each installment. I mean I think TFA was a utter disaster and therefor everything that came after was a result of that; but I get people liking TFA; but then how does one like TLJ when it basically was a middle finger to all the set up of TFA? Then if you like TLJ how do you tolerate the fact that TROS was actively and knowingly trying to retcon TLJ?

How does one find enjoyment in a story so disjointed between the 3 acts?


Why try not to be rude? Rudeness is all that these ST morons understand!


I try not to be rude to people; I want good faith conversations. but if that is returned with insults or condescension then I stop being as polite. But my intention will always start with basic respect and attempts at good faith conversation.

I am legitimately curious how anyone can enjoy all 3 movies when each film was quite intentionally going out of the way to undermine the previous films' efforts. I want to see if they can come up for good reasoning for why they can ignore that fact, or why it did not bother their enjoyment; or see if they have poor reasoning for liking it.


There entitled to like the films , insulting people just because they like things you dislike makes you rather childish and bitter.


The Last Jedi was good, but TFA and the final movie weren't very good. There was definitely something missing. TROS was really really bad. Unforgivably bad. A movie made to just appease fans isn't a real movie.


I'll concede that The Last Jedi was the least bad out of the ST and my reason for saying that is because the acting was at least somewhat competent but it's still an F in my book.

As for TROS it is beyond obvious that they were just trying to appease as many people as possible and end the trilogy so they could get out of the hole they dug for themselves by not having a plan from the beginning.


I enjoyed them but I really could not stand Daisy Ridley in it. Same growl face throughout the whole trilogy. It really bothered me but other than that, I had a good time :)


"I bypassed the compressor" is without a doubt the most cringeworthy line ever written.


Other than Rose's 'saving the ones we love' ?


Yes that was really bad also. There’s also “don’t hold my hand” , “they fly now”, “we made them hurt” (uh no you didn’t you mildly inconvenienced them and those slave children are so going to have to clean up the mess)


Lol, I agree. Sadly there were several.


Rose and Finn riding through the casino and "making them hurt" was one of the dumbest things ever. Those people are rich I'm sure they are insured and it's the slave children who are going to have to clean it up. If anything they punished those slave kids.


Not the best.

Original Trilogy - 9/10
Prequels - 7/10
Sequels - 7/10


You are much more forgiving than I am my trilogy rank would look more like this:

OT - 8.5/10
Prequel - 4.5/10
Sequels - 2/10 (I would rate them zero if I could but they all had high production value but that is about it)




I despise it.
The Disney movies ruined Lucas's creation.


No they haven't


Yes, they have, shill.


I'm not a shill, i'm a fan


ignore foebane , he is without doubt one of the biggest pricks on this board.

Tell him IT2 was shit and see how edgy and defensive he gets.



Thanks, furious. And I'm sorry about my other reply to my post, I took you up wrong


no problem, some of the man babies on this board can't accept people lile movies they dislike


maybe that is because you all provide very poor reasoning for liking the films and blatantly ignoring the extremely jarringly bad writing that neither holds consistent plots or themes within the trilogy and actively slaps the original trilogy plot and themes across the metaphorical face.

You can't just ignore the critics arguments and then say we "can't accept" your opinion. You have to be able to defend your opinion; if you can't than sorry to say, it is a 'bad' opinion; and your opinion being bad is only further proven every time you can't answer a question or address a criticism without condescendingly dismissing the critics as "man babies". You not only refuse to address legitimate flaws of the films you do so while using ad hominems against those who hold a different opinion than you.

This is like definition of sophistry and bad faith argumentation.


It's called being on the payroll.
