What was the purpose of Lando Calrissian in this movie?

Other than nostalgia what purpose did his character serve for the plot? He shows up out of nowhere and then shows up again near the end. Was he always in the Resistance?



Ring Theory? sauce?



i honestly dont think GL was smart enough to plan something like this. don't forget that ESB and ROTJ was not directed by him and they are the best movies. ANH doesn't hold up as well.


,..cuz.... LANDO (cue Lando lols)


1) Fan service.

2) They deleted a storyline in which Lando had a daughter who was kidnapped by the First Order and forced into being one of their early soldiers. Which is why he went with Luke to help him find the planet Exagol, in hope to find his daughter there. Obviously they never did. Then after the Resistance's victory Lando meets Jannah, a young woman who was taken by The First Order, but had successfully escaped. We all realize that his is his long last daughter and we get this wonderful reunion.

But they cut that out, so what we're left with is #1, and an awkward scene where creepy old man Lando is eyeballing a much younger girl.


that subplot totally makes sense. thanks. i mean we could still pretend that this is the case moving forward.
