I grew up as a SW fan, I never dressed up or anything but I loved the movies, the characters and the toys and games, and I always saw it as THE quality scifi universe.
Then they made the prequels, I was older and I realized Lucas has never meant to be that cool as the first trilogy, the ewok creator took over with his worse geeky, uncool, heavyhanded, pedant side.
But it was still SW.
Now with the last two pieces of post modern crap, it's not SW anymore, that universe is lost and what's left doesn't even interest me: I immediately automatically reject these new installments as another uninspired tie in for the corporate machine, as insipid and safe and obvious as yet another Lego videogame.
Does anybody even care anymore?
I think a-lot of people stopped caring when JarJar said "meesa gosa bombastic boom!"
Also when Anakin said "I am haunted by the kiss you should have never gave me"
Now they just can't find a nail big enough for the coffin with whatever these new movies are supposed to mean.
I agree with you, but I still had some hope that the next Lucas one was gonna redeem the crap.
Afterall the revenge of the sith was kinda better than the other two prequels (still sub par crap, but at least they were all still SW and expanded that universe).
As bad as the prequels were, the production design was off the charts. I loved TFA but wish it had been a bit more unique in that sense. TLJ had pretty terrible production design, IMO the worst in the series.
Revenge of the Sith is actually the best film in the entire Star Wars canon, in my opinion. The only rival it would have would be Empire, but Empire is dragged down by a rather dull stretch in the middle of the movie.
I grew up watching the original trilogy but never was totally in love with it like many people were. I think A New Hope is a pretty boring film. Empire is much better. ROTJ is a mixed bag, but has its moments.
I actually find the prequels to be more interesting films than the OT. I like their epic scope and the ambitions that Lucas brought to those films, and it's also nice to see the SW universe before everything went to post-apocalyptic shit. The story of the prequels is just overall more interesting to me, even if the films are not perfect.
Yes. I think we sometimes forget that there is a whole generation for whom Star Wars began with Episode VII. That core guarantees IX will at least earn a profit and they may also actually care about what happens to Rey and Kylo.
But that generation are a bunch of sad pathtic winkers who will never EVER seriously amount to ANYTHING, unlike the older generations. And you can fuck off if you don't agree, "Millennials".
The Last Jedi pretty much killed any interest I had in this.
The Force Awakens did have some problems but I still liked it. It did just steal the plot from A New Hope and made it as if the Rebels had never won against the Empire because we were just back in that same spot again and the Jedi plot got old really quick because we were immediately back in the "turned to the dark side ploy again" Still I liked it and I just viewed it as a starting point for better things and I was interested in all of the questions.....who is Snoke, who is Rey, who are her parents, how was she able to channel the Force so quickly like that, how powerful is Luke, what kind of Jedi is he now....etc.
The Last Jedi killed who Luke was, messed with Canon, threw away ALL the questions The Force Awakens set up....I don't even recognize this anymore.
Knowing what I know now I wish they had set these new films about 150 years after Return of the Jedi and made no ties to the original films and characters, no cast from the originals, no Empires or Rebels......I wish they had just gone somewhere new with this.
They just ruined everything trying to delve into the old plots and characters. They ruined, tainted and destroyed the existing characters and Saga and they just delved right back into the old formula of evil empire, freedom fighters, jedi turning to the dark side stuff. It didn't work.
Exactly this. The character assassination of Luke was the worst.
It would have been better if Luke had gone to the first Jedi temple to look for something that would defeat Snoke and bring balance to the force. He didn’t find it but was stranded there unable to fix his X-Wing. Anything would have been better than this depressed coward waiting for death who threw away his lightsaber.
The movie wastes so much time not going anywhere because Luke doesn’t want to do anything. A time jump would have helped where in that time Luke could have trained Rey and they could have got back on the Falcon ready to rejoin the fight and the movie starts there.
TLJ didn’t even have a proper lightsaber duel, you could have had Luke going up against Snoke but he dies and in episode IX have Rey and Kylo teaming up to defeat Snoke
It could have been a classic heroes journey like the original trilogy but Rian decided to subvert expectations on everything and take the story in a direction where the only ending now is Rey defeating Kylo, who has become a laughable villain seeing as Rey already defeated him in TFA and Luke humiliated him in TLJ.
Snoke was also a laughable villain only because of how he died. If written correctly he could have been a villain on par with Thanos if they’d actually explored his character more and made him the main antagonist of the trilogy.
I feel sorry for J.J having to come back after Rian chucked out everything he’d set up in TFA.
The days of young idealistic Luke were far in the past. He travelled far away from home and everyone he knew to find the lawn planet where he could finally grow the perfect lawn and this kid shows up asking him to train her. The only unrealistic part was that he didn’t immediately strike her down with the light saber and tell her to get off his lawn. Don’t you know any old people?
"Now with the last two pieces of post modern crap, it's not SW anymore,"
read : "I'm not a kid anymore"
"that universe is lost and what's left doesn't even interest me"
read "I grew up"
"I immediately automatically reject these new installments as another uninspired tie in for the corporate machine, as insipid and safe and obvious as yet another Lego videogame."
read: "I am understandably cynical now that i'm an adult and i realise big compnaies make these films in order to milk as much money as possible"
Does anybody even care anymore?
Well , I managed to enjoy the last 2 , +solo , +lost squad or whatever it was, despite being an old bastard , by not thinking too hard about it, not getting upset that Disney are making money and not secretly wanting it to fail , and, most of all , by not expecting to have my mind blown like it was when i saw Star Wars in 1980 , when i was 9.
2) so if 1977 Star wars was actually the 8th in series , and the main elements ( good / evil / imperials / rebels / battlestars getting blown up) had actually been covered in previous films , would that one be any good?
I certainly do, but I'd imagine younger people might prefer the newer one - better fx / pic quality
Most of all they wont have the sentimental attachment that older people have to ANH
So what has ANH got that TFA hasnt that makes TFA not a "good film" ?
given that they are the same story.
(as discussed ANH doing it first is not a reason)
I liked TFA but it kinda sucked. TFA did take its base story from ANH but I enjoyed it more than any of the preqs. TFA might be the only nuwars that I actually like. Why is it worse than ANH? Its not because it copied it. It is because of things like: Never mind the fall of the Empire, Hux, space map with lines, wtf is the First Order?, Star Killer beam splits into multiple aimed shots, planets hit are closer to each other than our moon. "droid please," lightsaber-immune mele weapon in Trooper's hands, etc etc etc.
well no, actually i meant not being a obsessive to the point of psychotic fanboy , for whom no Star wars film will ever be good enough unless it as as fresh new and original as "the original" which is obviously impossible