Rogue One

Was made for the adults in the room. This is why what ever else comes with the label: Star Wars will suck donkey balls, no matter how many darth maul cameos are included!

Bring leslie jones on.... that prick gaten matarazzo.... have them get in big sea cow with big tits costumes and suck each other off.... cos that means it's ready to be part of this ass hat generation in the world...

Nero laughed... we're just ruin johnsoning every gods damn thing of worth.... that's what we do as our society collapses....

Fkn leslie jones.... are you fkn kidding me?!


Rogue One was made for adhd suffering kids who hadn't seen the Death Star being the work of the daft prequel insects, and hadn't seen Darth Vader quizzing Leia re plans which had been "beamed" aboard the Tantive IV on Star Wars, BUT were impressed by watching a "cool" scene with Vader slicing through footsoldiers with his lightsaber.

A film which doesn't fit with either trilogy. Impressive, most impressive!



Yeah, that's just like "hyperspace is a weapon", "there are gas shortages in space", "Luke sucking milk from a seacow tit", "anybody can be a jedi", "God be with you" instead of "May the Force Be With You", Space poppins Leia, Jerry Lewis Finn and the leaky space suit, dinky fkn rose tiko, space capitalism, a hacker and subplot that never serves a purpose, a WHACK ASS saber battle with whack ass praetorian guards, a whack ass villain and his boot boy... I could go on, but I think even a dildo like you gets it.

The power issue was always "an issue"... just cos space bugs had an "idea" didn't mean all the tech specs were worked out. They needed Galen Urso for that, and that much was EXPLAINED.... you get my drift?!


'The power issue was always "an issue"... just cos space bugs had an "idea" didn't mean all the tech specs were worked out'

Ha ha, love it! Is that how all the adults in the room squared that off is it? šŸ¤£

... And what's with the TLJ knocking? Can't stand it either so don't understand that particular diversion.


Thatā€™s how I rationalized it....and I go way back ... not so much ā€œmatureā€ though as I am in here, looking for conversation on some dumb movie universe I grew up on...

Iā€™m bashing tlj cos ass holes who donā€™t shave yet, think itā€™s fucking Oscar worthy, and use the shit that one is a trump ass hole, hates women, hates ethnics... are THE ONLY ONES who hate tlj.

Ruin Johnson (as in DICK) killed it and not in a good way. And yes, this upsets me.



vast majority of people disliked tlj and saw it for the bs it was.

Just these ordinary people aren't like the militant hitler youth left and don't need to have 400 accounts on an obscure movie forum to try and convince people otherwise.

Most of them defending the film haven't even seen it lol.


They are just upset because RO circumvented their main arguing point against ANH - that the DS was easy to destroy - making it a deliberate act - now they are just butthurt.
