Star Wars: Episode IX 2 parts??

I remember hearing rumors about Episode IX splitting into 2 parts. now fans want it to happen. but I don't think that is a good idea.

there are 2 reasons why ppl want Episode IX made into a 2 part.

1: to fix everything that happened in The Last Jedi.

2: to wrapped everything up, answer all the questions and finished the story.

what do you guys think? and do you think this is a good idea or not?


Episode 9 would not be in two parts. There would be Episode 9 and Episode 10.

Also, what do they need to wrap up? We know who Rey's parents were, Snoke is dead, Luke was found, Phasma is dead, etc. All we have left is Rey killing Kylo (and we know she is more than capable as she always kicks his ass), and then the Rebels beat the Empire. The end.


I don't think Snoke is dead. (getting cut in half means nothing in star wars. look what happened to darth maul.)


Except we see Snoke's dead body on the ground. Maul at least disappeared down a shaft to make things ambiguous.


Yeah. You'd think Rey would have an easy time with Kylo, considering she'd never even had the chance to practice her forces skills much when she first faced him and held her own. Now she's had time to get better.


Yeah, this worked so well for that twilight shite... and didn't Hunger Games do it??? They just faded the fuck out, right...?! Same should happen here!

Fkn ruin jonsoned it.... cast gaten matarazzo cos he wants to be in it.... not because he simply SUCKS as an actor!!

Just like leslie jones.... she won't even need a costume.... just be another fkn sasquotch fkn character...!



this also worked so well for harry potter. the last film was a two-part feature film.


And I have ADHD...





I think the odds of that happening are good, these movies are made for profit after all.

Of course two-part feature films tend to be bloated messes, but that never stopped a movie studio from insisting on making more!


more movies means more money.


Not if you go by what "dodo" did....




I think there is no truth to the rumor.


yeah, I think the rumor turn out to be false.


I hope not. They are already making more than enough Star Wars movies. I don't think there is enough material for a two part episode 9. I'm not even sure if there is enough for one full movie. We have already seen Rey beat Kylo twice, found out that her parents are not important, Rey friendzone Flinn who finds new love in Rose, Luke is found and dead, Han is dead, Snoke is dead, Chewie loves porgs, Leia is unkillable, and Starkiller Base is destroyed. All that's left is for Rey to beat Kylo or turn him which is more likely and the Republic to pick up the scraps of the First Order.


there are not splitting Episode 9 into a 2 part movie. this is just a old rumor I heard.


Best thing to do it to throw TLJ into the trash can and release a replacement part 8.


remake/reboot TLJ? that's impossible.


Nothing's "impossible" with the pile of shit Ruin Dickface Johnson left us...

Get a great script, a director that understands the subject matter, and a cast not too different than what is, but with a bit of DIRECTION and SCRIPT VALUE...!

They'd make piles of money!

First and foremost, GET RID OF KATHLEEN KENNEDY and EMBARRASS THE FUCK OUT OF HER! Make it CLEAR Disney is AWARE she fucked this up!

That's a start.

You'll see better sales at the box office, and I bet the toys go back up too!

Don't hate.... you know I'm right....

"Bombs fall in outerspace", my ass!


Disney bought Star Wars for $4bn and they're loosing their fanbase after releasing 2 (IMHO Last Jedi and Solo movies) woefully sub-standard movies. Unless Disney does something drastic (i.e. burn Kennedy and Johnson at the stake) they'll never get their money back.


In other news, George Lucas escaped serious injury after falling off his $4bn, laughing.


Great idea. We need more star wars. I love star wars, can't get enough of it


no. making EP 9 into 2 parts is a bad idea.


Here's another name for that Episode IX Part 2:-

Star Wars: Episode X.


that's a good name.
